ooc comm. - January 18th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 18th, 2011

Woah-oh, look out, you're what she came fooor [Jan. 18th, 2011|01:56 am]
Hey hos,

Julie got me all excited about the intro bandwagon, so you're going to have to deal with another Marie character up on your flist, number two if you've been counting...the only other one I have.

This is Artemis, or Juliet as she's known to the outside world/a few other mythological figures, and girlfriend has grown up a little. Although she refuses to discuss her own sexuality, she's begun focusing a great deal more on her skills in women's health these days, as opposed to hunting--which, to be fair, she still does. She works in a Manhattan clinic as an OB-GYN, and volunteers at free/low-income clinics performing the same services for people less able to pay for them. She provides a great deal of services to the LGBT community, particularly those of the female-assigned/bodied persuasion, and her clients tend to find her quiet, professional, and non-judgmental of their specific issues. Also, naturally, she appears to have a miraculous ability to heal and help with all manner of women's health problems.

In her personal life, Artemis/Juliet continues to keep to herself, save for the regular companionship of her beloved twin, Apollo (who should be coming along shortly, ho ho ho). She surfaces on the network if she feels like commenting on something, and is always up for a conversation or a debate...but she remains fiercely private and protective of her own beliefs, as well as stubborn as hell in all the old ways--insult her mother to your great peril, bitches, etc. Of course, all that privacy is awful for an rper, so if anybody has any ideas or thoughts on interaction, please please drop me a line. Sup, extended family! In the meantime, WOOOO MYTH PSL, ETC. :D
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