ooc comm. - January 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 20th, 2011

AN INTRO! [Jan. 20th, 2011|07:16 am]


Hello, hello! This is Rae ([info]speedforce)! I’m a little late to the party, but I finally have some characters to introduce!

[info]delphinian is Apollo! He is the son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis, god of a great number of things (seriously, he’s like the god of everything), and leader of the Muses. He’s currently known as Bradley Blake, affluent dilettante. He’s very posh and effete, and took to life in the mortal world like a fish to water. But unlike his sister, he never really grew out of his “let me curse the fuck of you for wronging me!” phase, so he can be quite petty and wrathful at times. Homeboy knows how to hold a grudge, so if you ever did anything to wrong him (or his sister/mother), chances are he’s still holding it against you. And he has a notoriously bad track record with romance — most of his love interests end up dead or cursed (sometimes by Apollo’s own hand). But if you’re not on his bad side, then he’s either formal and polite or super friendly! :) Anyway, the rest of his info can be seen here!

[info]foolhardiest is Icarus! We all know the story of Icarus, right? Father warned him not to fly too close to the sun -> ended up flying too close to the sun anyway -> plummeted to his death. All of Icarus’ reincarnations are fated to die in a similar manner, and this one is no different. This time around, his name is Jeremy Vogel, a 21 year old student at Columbia University. He’s actually a very intelligent Environmental Science major, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him. For one thing, Jeremy has no filter whatsoever, so he ends up saying the first thing that pops in his mind. So he often comes off as a bit dim, even if he isn’t. He’s also a huge daredevil, and spends most of his time doing reckless and dangerous stuff. But other than that, he’s ridiculously friendly and optimistic, although he’s a bit of a fatalist when it comes to his own life. Oh, and he works alongside Celia/Circe at Starbucks. :D The rest of his bio is here!

That’s all for now! I have more characters coming in later (read: ladies), but I figured I’d get this up while I had some free time on my hands. Let us talk plot and character dynamics, people! :>
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