ooc comm. - January 17th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 17th, 2011

sup julie here~ [Jan. 17th, 2011|11:42 pm]


Schoolwork is still swallowing me alive, but since PSLs are now the only RP I've got goin' on, I'm going to start tiptoeing my way back! So without further ado, here is CECELIA MOSELY / CIRCE! In myth, Circe was a vindictive sorceress with a tendency of falling head-over-heels for certain studly heroes, using her spells to try to win them over, and then turning people into animals when they get on her bad side. In this reincarnation, she still has a ways to go before she grows up properly: Celia's an immature 21-year-old senior at NYU, studying film and pursuing self-directed coursework~ under Prometheus' thumb. Sometimes petty, catty, and bratty; somewhat socially handicapped, since she relies on magic moreso than real-life savoir faire; still uses her magic to punish her enemies (of which she keeps imagining she has many), but is a stalwart defender of the underdog. She's slowly picking up some morals, i.e. that it's not socially acceptable to turn your bitchy college roommate into a pig and then wipe her memory after she changes back. So in a line: Celia's a parcel of bad behaviour wrapped up in good intentions. She's quite the mischief-maker, and courtesy of a strained upbringing, adores using her abilities for personal gain.

SO ANYWAY. Other university-aged kiddos to establish a dynamic with? People who might have met her at Starbucks, during her infrequent shifts there? People prominent in NYC arts & culture who she might've followed around while doing a video feature? Friends? People who've gotten on her bad side? Dudes she's fawned over from afar and tried to dose with love potions? LEMME AT 'EM.
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