July 5th, 2009

[info]lisaroquin in [info]sticksnstrings

FIC: A Little Bit Backwards

title: A Little Bit Backwards
author: lisa roquin
fandom: 30stm
rating adult
pairing/characters: Shannon Leto/Denton Riley
disclaimer: as far as 30stm & mention of the couple real people connected them: lies, fiction, not true. Everything and everyone else is mine.
summary: He'd probably be trying to get a round of morning after sex if not for the ring on his finger and the damned piece of paper he was staring at.
warning: OCs OCs and more OCs. Revamped characters from private rp ages ago. basically original fic with 30stm stuck in there. language, drinking, m/m sex, harlequin-esque absurdity,
author notes: for sticks&strings, prompt Ain't No Thinking Thing by Trace Adkins. probably about 1/3 done. Yeah. another posted WIP ~grumbles~
word count:

chapter links will be added as chapters posted.

Chapter one || Chapter two || Chapter three || Chapter four || tbc

[info]why_me_why_not in [info]sticksnstrings

Fic: Unraveled

Title: Unraveled
Author: Tabby (why_me_why_not on IJ & LJ)
Fandom: bandom; The Academy Is... and Empires
Pairing/characters: William Beckett-centric, appearances by Tom Conrad, Sean Van Vleet, and Nick Scimeca
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1278
Disclaimer: I don't claim to actually know anything about the lives of anyone mentioned herein. If you found this by googling your own name or that of someone you know, please hit the backbutton. Or at least don't tell me about it, okay Tom?
Summary: He’s not sure how things got so fucked up with Tom, how they went from being bandmates and friends and so much more to where they are now, when their mutual friends won’t even mention them to each other. Everything happened so fast, not just them falling apart but everything before it as well.
A/N: Inspired by the prompt of Time After Time. Encouraged by reallythateasy and beta'd by irisgirl12000. Any remaining mistakes, inaccuracies, and ridiculousness are all mine.

William’s staring at the ceiling of his bedroom, counting cracks in the ceiling that he’s long since memorized and listening to the faint ticking of the clock on the wall. )