July 4th, 2009

[info]gwionfawyr in [info]sticksnstrings

Fic: Growing Up by Gwionfawyr -- Rites of Passage, PG

title: Growing Up.
author: [info]gwionfawyr
fandom: Rites of Passage
character(s): Campbell Farraday, Del Farraday
rating: PG
summary: All he wanted to do, was take Billy into his arms and hold him until the end of his life. Now he was sitting in this tiny cell, waiting out his time, all because he had wanted revenge on his father. Takes place after the final scene of the movie.
author’s note/disclaimer: For the [info]sticksnstrings challenge. Song prompt - White Wedding by Billy Idol. Thanks to [info]lisaroquin for holding the challenge and [info]saddle_tramp for beta'ing. I wish I owned these guys. It would make things so much easier.
word count: 1600+

( A prison is more than walls )