Jul. 3rd, 2009


Maybe It Was Memphis by Saddle_tramp -- X-Men, R

 Title: Maybe It Was Memphis

Rating: R
Fandom: X-Men
Pairing: Logan/Remy
Spoilers: None, really
Word count: 8,530ish, minus headers

Summary: Some things you just have to take a trip down memory lane for.

Warnings: As with all my X-Men fics, be aware my knowledge of the multiple canons is spotty and leans heavily towards the cartoons. ;-D

Disclaimer: Anything I borrowed here is property of the original creator and so not mine, I'm just borrowing them to let them have some fun. Anyone you don't recognize might be mine, but then again they might just be from a fandom so obscure no one but me ever heard of them. I'm not making any money or fame off of them anyway, so no harm no foul, forever and ever, Amen.

No copyright infringement is intended, and none of this ever happened. Dangit.

Maybe It Was Memphis )

Jul. 2nd, 2009


That Lonesome Song by Saddle Tramp --Xmen , PG13

Title: That Lonesome Song

Fandom: X-Men

Pairing: None, but heading towards future Logan/Remy

Rating: PG-13 for language

Spoilers: None, I'm sure.

Word count: 4880 or so, without headers or lyrics

Summary: Songfic for the Sticks N Strings challenge, prompted by 'That Lonesome Song' by Jamey Johnson. I got the song and immediately started writing, but the fic turned out to be more about ending someone's lonesome streak than about living with it. This sort of fits into the 'verse with the other Logan/Remy fics I've written, but it's very much a stand alone and you don't have to read them to get it.

Warnings: My knowledge of X-Men canon is so full of holes you could read a comic book through it. My version of them comes mostly from the cartoons, but I have seen the first three movies and read some of the comics. I use what I like and pitch the rest, which seems to be pretty much what the Marvel folks do anyway. lol

Disclaimer: Anything I borrowed here is property of the original creator and so not mine, I'm just borrowing them to let them have some fun. Anyone you don't recognize might be mine, but then again they might just be from a fandom so obscure no one but me ever heard of them. I'm not making any money or fame off of them anyway, so no harm no foul, forever and ever, Amen.

No copyright infringement is intended, and none of this ever happened. Dangit.

That Lonesome Song )