July 6th, 2009

[info]ink_on_the_page in [info]sticksnstrings

Fic: Open the Door

Title: Open the Door
Author: [info]ink_on_the_page
Rating: hmm. PG-13 for possible emotional triggering?
Fandom: Original
Disclaimer: for once, I get to say that I *DO* own them. This is my original fiction, please do not reproduce in whole or in part without contacting me first.
Summary: She can’t do it anymore, and it’s time to go home.
Warning: dissolution of marriages, possible emotional triggering
Author's note: Written for the [info]sticksnstrings challenge. My prompt was See Jane Run by Trace Adkins. Also mentioned is Janis Joplin’s Me and Bobby McGee, and because I like to give out music, I’ve included it, too.
Word count: 1202

It's three in the morning

apologies. I got this all coded last night, then forgot to hit post. >.< It's still July 5 in Hawaii! >_>