February 27th, 2010

[info]springsmods in [info]springsooc

Mod Post

This will also be emailed to everyone, but I felt I should post it here.

Mod Ruling )

[info]fairybarmaid in [info]springsooc


I love rping; and like all of us, sometimes it takes me a day or two to tag back. But all my pups are up for plottage.

I think you know who are they are. I find the strongest and the communities that I have the most fun in are the ones that are active. I don't mean going at the speed of light - who can keep up. But a community begins to have problems when it moves at a snails pace.

I have pups I need to post as all. But if we all are just posting one of ours - I mean your muse might be quiet, there could be a zillion reasons. I have like eight characters here, and I try to have at least two or three posting in a month, and possibly others in threads.

Just a thought.

Love and sugar cookies,