January 6th, 2010

[info]readmymind_ in [info]springsooc

Someone save me!

Hello everyone,

I have been lacking motivation to start new threads for my pups. Would anyone be interested in doing plotting with any of my pups, you guys would be life savers.

Here is a list of my pups:

Edward Cullen (Still single. Bella hasn't forgaven him yet. Poor Eddie =( )

Hades!Younger (Everyone should know the nature of this hades ;) )

Hades!Older (Hes more morbid, evil, and down right a bastard)

Rangiku Matsumoto (Soul Reaper who is lazy and loves to drink a lot. She could use new drinking buddies)

Lorna Dane (X-Men, new student..could use some new friends)

Ares (everyone knows Ares. He is a bit lonely without Selene right now, even though he wont admit it)

Scott Summers (He could talk to his students or something. Since his girlfriend has gone MIA)

Just let me know if anyone wishes to start a storyline/plot with any of my pups.
