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THE BAD PORN ROUNDUP - EPISODE 6 [Oct. 12th, 2010|12:33 am]
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ZEISS’S NOTE: College has slowed down the snarking business to be sure, but we do plan to kick back in gear soon. Here’s a good old-fashioned Roundup as an appetizer!

Delcat: Well, readers, I'm going to be straight with you this time: Zeiss and I are bored, so we are torturing each other with horrible porn. This is what we do. I know. I know. Stop crying.
Zeiss Manifold: It is a game of wit, and skill, and of squick.
Delcat: Normally I go in order of least to most painful, but I'm admittedly hard-pressed to rank my selections this time…

i can stand the sight of worms, and look at microscopic germs, but fractal uteri filled with sperms is really too much for me )
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