THE FEARLESS SPORK SQUAD - May 1st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Fearless Spork Squad

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May 1st, 2010

THE TRUTH FOR YOUTH - "PARENTAL CONTROLS" [May. 1st, 2010|02:12 pm]
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Delcat: So I hear you found a site with more porno comics, huh Zeiss?
Zeiss Manifold: Oh yeah. You wouldn't believe this stuff.
Delcat: C'mon, what couldn't I believe?
Zeiss Manifold: Well, let me just pick one at random...

I’m a dirty Christian on a dirty Bible team, let’s go to the church storeroom after witnessing )
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THE BAD PORN ROUNDUP - EPISODE 2 [May. 1st, 2010|02:15 pm]
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Tale as old as time, wrong as old as rhyme, Blobfish and the Feeeeeeeeeeeeeet )
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