THE FEARLESS SPORK SQUAD - April 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Fearless Spork Squad

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April 22nd, 2010

ARCHIE'S PARABLES, PART I [Apr. 22nd, 2010|02:54 am]


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[Current Mood |good]

Delcat: Okay, kids, the short version is this: A crazy fundie that also happened to be an Archie artist got permission to do crazy fundie Archie comics that were published alongside regular Archie comics, much to the consternation of readers. The long version is here and is a lengthy but fascinating read. Don't go wandering off there yet, though, we've got a short but stupid and dong-laden read for you right here!
Zeiss: Now I've always thought that Archie was goddamned surreal even when secular, so I'm taking the time to mentally prepare myself right now.
Delcat: It is truly a trippy experience. Believe me, I had one of these things as a kid and I never quite got it.

When conversion fics become syndicated )


Special thanks to the folks at Carp's Place, for providing the .pdf files from which these images were converted.
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THE DARREN SHAN SNARK SAGA: PART 1-2 [Apr. 22nd, 2010|03:59 am]


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[Current Mood |uncomfortable]
[Current Music |Barenaked Ladies--Spider in My Room]

EDIT 4/23/2010: Images should now be working--thanks to yorokobi for pointing out my dumbassery!

ORIGINAL POST BY DELCAT (on her personal journal), 8/20/2009.

Hey, this song is like a theme for our hero or something.

A whisper drizzled down from the ice in its eyes
It said: "Try pickin' on your own damn size"
But the Hoover was quick, termination complete
In its bedroom home, not a chance to eat


The Freakshow )
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