Some Reality
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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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June 27th, 2020



Grad gifts for MJ and Hope

For MJ... )

For Hope... )



[No Subject]

Hey Entity. I think this is ridiculous, but I'm gonna try it anyway. Some people from home are here. How about you put us in a set of rooms together? That's me and Raven, Bellamy Blake and Echo.

[Private to the Entity]
We turned one of the rooms in our current place into a lab for Raven That should go with us where ever we end up, and it'd be really sweet if you could give her some gadgets and things she can play with. I don't even know what to ask for, but stuff that will keep that brilliant mind of hers occupied, and challenged, would be great.



[No Subject]

Who: Hope Mikaelson + Family & Friends (if you're not sure if your character was invited, talk to KT)
When: Saturday June 27, 6pm - 9pm
Where: The fabulous La Grenouille. Freya rented out the party room, which was super fancy and decked out. (And completely a Mikaelson kind of place, like seriously Nik we should buy this restaurant)
What: Fancy party with fancy clothes if you wanted, but not required. If you make Hope cry, you'll probably die, so don't do that kaythxbai