September 13th, 2012

[info]gordons_girl in [info]sog_ic

Reunions & Playing Catch-Up

Who: Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson & Lizzy Raleigh
Where: Wayne Manor
When: September 13th, 2012
What: Barbara heard Lizzy's at Wayne Manor and comes to visit. And also to give Dick a talking to about leaving the force.
Rating: PG-13? Possible language.
Status: Incomplete

She'd been in Wayne Manor before but only for when Bruce had thrown a party and she accompanied her father. That was a number of years ago though, and now the place wasn't filled with wine and conversation among adults. )

[info]_drharleen in [info]sog_ic

Tweet Update #002

Harleen Quinzel @harleygirl Richard Grayson saving the life of his dinner date? He is living up to the Wayne legacy. How romantic...#GothamsPrince #Knightinshiningwhatever
3 hours ago

[info]tam_fox in [info]sog_ic

To: "Dick Grayson"
From: "Tamera Fox"
Date: September 13, 2012

You have [3] new messages )

[info]batlanguage in [info]sog_ic


Who: Batgirl and Red Robin
NPCs: Street Demonz, Suzie Li, and other unsavory types.
Where: Outside a crappy apartment complex in Midtown.
When: August 28th, 2012. Backdated to five days after Cass' bonding moment with Tim, and shortly before Nightwing comes to get her.
What: Batgirl and Red Robin team up to protect the girlfriend of Big K, the man Batgirl's been trying to find.
Rating: R for violence, possible language.
Status: In progress.

Word on the street )

[info]valevicki in [info]sog_ic

Bruce Wayne: Enigma & Legacy

Who: Vicki Vale & Dick Grayson
NPCs: Mentions of Bruce Wayne
Where: Insider, Special insert for The Gotham Gazette
When: September 13, 2012
What: A special interview with Dick Grayson, a glimpse into the Bruce Wayne the city never knew!
Rating: G

Gotham Gazette INSIDER )