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Sep. 15th, 2011



Erin, that is. I'm slowly recovering and wanted to make a quick intro to my new character, Nova. Nova's a slave woman recently purchased by the ever-entertaining Harvey. She's rough around the edges, a little wild, but pretty used to her position in servitude.

I am gonna try to get back into the swing of things by slowly tagging back to those I owe. Forgive me if I'm a bit sluggish still, but I'm working through it.

Thanks and much love!

I have seriously lost track of all the tags I owe. Kindly reply here with a friendly reminder? THANKS!

Sep. 6th, 2011


GRUE AGAIN! No, come back! It's different this time I swear! This time I've brought in a bit of an antagonist, so instead of looking for 'hey what's up!' friendly type lines, Cheyenne Lee here is looking to mix things up in Vegas. She's from the now-defunct Ryder pack with her own plans and ideas for how lycans ought to do things, and she's keen to destabilize things. Have a look at her bio (if the wall of text doesn't kill you, congratulations!) and let's come up with some fun ways for Cheyenne to tease, intimidate, seduce or otherwise cause trouble with your characters and with Vegas as a whole! She isn't a picky thing by any means.

Even though Cheyenne is meant to be a minor antagonist, she isn't a cartoon (contrary to her rather graphic backstory!) and I welcome wandering into darker territory. Maybe some alliances are in order? Some immediate rivalries? Temporary friendships that turn to betrayal? Let's have some fun!

I'm pretty sure I'm posting this at Oh Hell No o'Clock in the states, so let some ideas percolate overnight and we'll revisit the whole mess subsequently.

Sep. 4th, 2011


Hide your valueables, everyone! Grue made another character! This is Adam Davis, Abigail's twin brother, and he's recently returned from a trip down to Doctor Cronhelm - and he came back as Progeny! As always, I'm open to any and all plots and threads! Adam's been around the dam as long as Abigail has, so if you've got a long-time resident feel free to assume your character knows him. You know what a crazy I am, so if you've got thread ideas, I'll write 'em up. <3

Sep. 2nd, 2011


What do you think?

Hey there, SoC Players!
Due to some unfortunate circumstances for us, but not for Jase, we will be without a Lucian in the game. Jase has been promoted to Assistant Editor in Chief of an online Publishing Company and has little to no time to play anymore. So, we are making Lucian an NPC for the time he may come back and want to play some day. We have always had a triumvirate ruling the city, so we scrambled for ideas, between the 3 mods. We don’t want to just initiate this without putting it before the players first. So this is what we have come up with:

Lucian, tired of dealing with the social elite of Las Vegas and his cabinet of politicians and their interests, has decided to step down and let his siblings rule in his place. He has never been a people person and he is sick of civilization, much less being the one holding it together, so he will retire to a shelter beneath the Sanguine Compound. This shelter is like a palace itself and is known only to the 3 Sanguine. Lily will take Lucian’s place and be called the Prima, Valerian will step into Lily’s place and be called Consort and Damien will be discovered to have Sanguine blood, turned by the same sire that the original three were turned, something only Lucian knew…Damien will take Valerian’s place as Prince.

For those of you who play Sanguine males, Sanguine childer or Sanguine grandchilder (male or female), it should be known that Prima Lily, just as Queen Lily, holds a certain siren allure to Sanguine-blooded; while they may still hold their free will, they are very uncomfortable in her company…can’t keep from staring at her and feel somewhat, well horny.

So, that’s what’s on the drawingboard for the new Sanguine. Any suggestions, comments?

The Mods, Ally, Jen, Mark


Help! Victor needs loving.

Hey guys,

With Activity Checks going on and ending on Sunday, September 4, 2011, I'm going to need to complete my check. Two of my three characters have slots filled but Victor doesn't have anyone. :(

I've got a thread open for him here. I figured Victor would have a stroll and maybe just browse for slaves. So if you've got a vampire, human, or even lycan feel free to bring them! The thread is open.

So if anyone else needs their activity check filled feel free to drop in.

Spank you!

- Heather

PS - What the hell does BB mean? lmao. When someone says 'Hey BB'?

Aug. 29th, 2011


Uh oh, it's Grue and she's posting with yet another character journal! I'm pretty sure this is the last character I make for myself. In the future, I will be sure to do fills for people if the urge to make a new character arises.

Until that time, I bring you Harvey 'Hard As Nails' Killian, but you can call him Nails. He's kind of a big deal at the arena, and this gladiator werewolf loves to party! You'll find all his particulars here.

I'm open to any and all threads to get Nails going. Run-ins at the Full Moon Saloon, chats with fans at the arena, you name it!

Aug. 24th, 2011




This is Jen, with Luke. He might actually be my last, but no promises.

Luke is a new arrival to the dam. He's a chemist, and has been roaming the United States raiding universities for chemicals of all sorts so he can do his job.

He also is going to be setting up a 'still... but don't get too excited, the alcohol will mostly be used for medical purpoes, and for his own things.

It is important to note that Luke is an enormous slut. Married to his work, so totally not interested in a serious relationship, but he will have sex with any (unattached, he doesn't need drama, please) people that are interested.

He needs lines! Fuck buddies, friends, people who think he's a crazy pyromaniac (he sort of is), toss them at me!


WELP, it's Grue again, with another Dam human. Susie is a psychic, and you can grab the rest of her particulars in her bio! She's recently come to the dam, having been in amongst those rescued during the lycan attack, so she's still settling in and adjusting to a totally different lifestyle. As always, I'm open to any and all thread ideas and would love to just jump right into things! Leave a comment here or send me a message on AIM and we'll sort something out.

Aug. 23rd, 2011


So..... Anyone want Laurie for this Activity Check? ^___^


Character Think Tank.

Since SoC is like character creation crack, I thought I'd be an enabler (or be enabled!) and post some character ideas that I'm kicking around, but am not sure on. If you're in a similar situation, with a character half-formed but unwilling to give you the full story, post and we'll muddle through being shameful RP addicts together.

Characterpalooza! )

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