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Aug. 22nd, 2011


Okay...last one! I had to have a Dam boy!

This is Justice Armageddon Mather, the son of the fanatic Reverend Benevolent Mather. Justice had always been a good son, when they were at the Believer's Red Rock Canyon Compound. He helped his father with his sermons and he was the apple of all the girl's eyes. He was well known for his womanizing amongst the girls of the Flock and his father couldn't have been prouder. The Believers had to, of necessity, move to the Dam. The Believers took on a new member...a member who showed interest in Justice and vice versa. The Reverend found the two boys in bed together and both were beaten and shunned. The other boy, Christian, died. Justice was saved by Ken's magic. Justice, now out of the closet, avoids the area of the Dam designated for the Believers, but is doing his best to integrate into the main populace of the Dam.

I hope everyone likes him (He's actually a rewrite of a character brought in to SoC from season I)

Aug. 18th, 2011


So, I've been thinking of, possibly, maybe, bringing over a couple more here... And one of them is [info]yourloveisalie_. Mind you, he'd be retrofitted for the game. Just trying to decide on how to work him when I get into finally working on him (Which he is second on my list...). So I got three ideas for him I'm liking, but I want to kinda feel out and see which one would fit in best, offer the most plot potential and what have you.

  • Keeping him a vampire. I'd likely keep his birth date and year turned and make him older, keeping his basic history with little tweaks and additions for the time lapse and what have you, and then place him in the City, likely as a new arrival.

  • Now these two options make him Human:
    • He's a slave, newly caught and put up for auction for someone to take on and torture tame and what have you. He wouldn't make the easiest or best of slave/pet for a lot of people, though... I don;t think so at least.

    • A Human at the Dam. Likely not there long, or newly arrived, and very likely to stir up trouble and create chaos between them. As a human, he's less of a maniac sadist, but he still plays games and manipulates and is a total attention whore. And totally up for sometime down the road allowing the Dam people kick him out or some such. :) Or whatever. <.< Not that I'm a sadist or anything...

So there you have it. It'll likely be a while before I get him done, between school and child, and since I have another one in the works as well.... So this isn't going to be something 'BOOM' here tomorrow. So... give me your best shot!

Aug. 16th, 2011


Quick note:

My son's birthday party is Saturday (the 20th) and this week is mostly going through the plans and set-up. That being said, I'll probably be a bit slow (and I'll not be around hardly at all on Saturday) until after the weekend. Feel free to IM me or email me for plots, though.

<3 Erin
(Cora, Nadya, Abigail, Hana, Gia)


This is probably my last...

It's Ally again. I have a problem. Someone find the straight jacket.

Sophie here is a resurrection of a character from Season 2. She's former Human Resistance. She and her father were captured during a raid about six months ago and tossed in the slave market. Her daddy, [info]mike_vega, went to the Brothel but Sophie got picked up by Nadya.

Nadya is a little bit irresponsible when it comes to Sophie, so she's had quite a bit of freedom. She's been searching for her father (who she has a bit of an electra complex for) for the last several months and will hopefully be finding him soon.

She's my first slave, so I am hoping it will be a fun experience.

Let me know if you want lines with her!


Okay...another one...but my first one to start out as a slave!

Mark here! This is Kip Adams and he was the first born of the Governor of Massachusetts when the meteors fell. Kip comes from a wealthy, political family and has been raised to be in politics and to be the best at everything. Best grades, best in sports, dating a cheerleader, etc. Before the meteors hit, the Governor, his family, his staff and their families went to an underground bunker, originally intended for a nuclear crisis. They spent many years in the bunker and then many years topside after their food ran out (full story in bio). When Kip was captured by slavers, he was indignant that they would dare try to enslave the son of the Gov of Massachusetts and the descendant of two Presidents! He demanded to speak to their leader! His haughty attitude was amusing to the slavers and got him what he wanted. They say, "Be careful what you wish for"...Kip was taken directly to Primus Lucian, who decided to keep him to have a little fun with...see how long it would take to break his spirit.

Aug. 14th, 2011



Hello there, Sons of Cain! I am Rose, and it is very nice to be here. ^_^ I am really looking forward to getting my boy here back into play. Anyway, real quick.... I am 25, a mother of a 2 yr old, stay-at-home mom that will be returning to college starting tomorrow.... (I should really be getting to bed right now... tyvm 5 hr energy). I'm on US EST (GM-5) time. I love to talk and plot, and I do not bite. Don't let Jessica, Anna and Stacie tell you otherwise. ;)

Now for the important part.

This is Laurence Baines, or Laurie. He is a 1,400+ year old vampire and childe of Valerian. He is originally a Pict (before they became Scotland). He is a bit withdrawn and cocky, and has a touch of Valerian's arrogance in him. lol. But not as hedonistic and, well, Valerian. Laurie is also a fighter. Or rather, a protector. He felt responsible for not protecting his twin sister better in life (even though no matter what he wouldn't have been able to save her) and so has taken on a mindset that he must protect everyone close to him, minus the Sanguine who really do not need his protection. He has been in the city for about a year.

Laurie is also opening up a gym/training area called Blood & Bones. As a 10th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, he will be training Guards and Gladiators sent his way to fight. he is also looking for others to teach various other forms of martial arts there. Needs members... Also needs some dedicated slaves for the place, if anyone is interested. His bio is in his journal and.... he is up for plot! We love plot....


Heeeeey! It's Travis with my second character. I FINALLY got around to finishing up his bio. This is Fab. He's a nurse at the Resistance compound. He's a jokester and believes that laughter is the best medicine ala Patch Adams, only less annoying. He's also very serious about his job and would throw himself in front of a bullet for someone. He has built in plottage with the Medical types at the Dam already, also he helps monitor the Progeny from time to time, see if they are healthy and not deteriorating and the like. Anywho, if you'd like to plot with him, or Drew, or would like to help me come up with ideas for a possible Cabalan character, my AIM is still travishl87. <3


Hey guys,

I was away all weekend but if it's not too late to get in on the thready plotty goodness, I'd love to do a thread during this time. I'm up for anything!

Any takers?

Aug. 13th, 2011


Heads up!

To all lycan-y players and those it would concern: Since the moon in SoC runs on our time, that makes tonight the full moon. (Ah, crazed feral lycans make so much sense now!)

Jen pointed out that older (edit: BORN ONLY) lycans can resist the change, and it only happens at night, but I figured it would still be pertinent to note!



Human Resistance/Feral lycan plots!

Hey guys!

So Saturday is here, which means that the big day has come! Two major plots are happening today, the first being, of course, the capture and rescue of some Resistance Humans, and the second being the feral lycans invading Vegas.

With that being said, when putting up threads today, please keep in mind that there have been feral lycans attacking all day, they're swarming the city, so don't overlook that!

The threads for the plots are coming soon, hold tight!

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