The Snape/Lupin Newsletter - December 16th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Snupin Prophet

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December 16th, 2007

The Snupin Prophet: December 9-16, 2007 [Dec. 16th, 2007|12:28 pm]


Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Snupin Prophet on IJ.

New Feature! The Moonshadow archive has a "random story" selection feature, which I'm going to click each week, and whatever story comes up will be the featured story for the week. No rating or summary will be given, only what warnings the author has provided, so the reader can take a random chance on what they'll find. How adventurous are you? ;)

Random Rec:
At Duty's End, by Carfiniel.

Fan Art:
Dark Lanterns, by Anonymous. NWS.

First Meeting in Limbo, by Anonymous.

Only You, After All, by Anonymous. Remus/Severus/Lily, Remus/Severus/Tonks, NWS.

What are friends for (but to force you on the one you love for Christmas)?, by Anonymous.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Art Critic III, by Ellid.

Correcting the Monument, by Ellid.

Handwriting, by blpaintchart.

In Books We Trust, by nimrod_9.

Paintchart, by drachenmina.

Party Games, by blpaintchart. Adult.

Public Renewal, by Ellid.

The Sound of Laughter, by zephyr_macabee.

Untitled, by hogwartshoney. Adult.

The Usual Suspects, by drachenmina.

What's in a Name?, by nimrod_9.

Wrath, by red_day_dawning. Rated R.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Glow, by Ms. Severus Snape. Rated T.

Untitled, by elfflame. Remus/Severus/Sirius.

Untitled, by elfflame.

Fanfiction (complete):
After the Savage Twilight is Always the Dawn, by Anonymous. Rated R. Content: Victorian AU.
Summary: Victorian AU. Severus loses a leg in the Crimean War. Remus must help him overcome it and somehow move on with their lives.

A Bottle of Chocolate Sauce and Thou, by bluestocking79. Rated R.
Summary: Sometimes it’s tricky to give the one you love exactly what they want.

Breathings of the Heart, by Arionrhod and McKay. Rated PG13.
Summary: An unexpected windfall proves problematic when Snape and Lupin are forced to live together in peace or else risk forfeiting their inheritance.

Confidential Transactions, by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: dub-con.
Summary: The war is over; Severus is a magical books dealer free living under a pseudonym. Remus wants a book.

Dark Lanterns, by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: Severus/OMC, prostitution.
Summary: Remus takes his wolf out for a spin down Knockturn way; maybe the wolf takes him.

Death of a Potions Master, by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: Severus/Remus/Harry, voyeurism, masturbation, frottage, slightly dubious consent, bondage, mild domination, first time sex.
Summary: Harry's finding the peace almost as hard as the war, what with discovering he might just be bisexual, Weasley women trying to pressure him into marriage, and most disturbing of all, that Snape might not be dead after all and that this particular piece of news is doing strange things to his head and his libido. When Lupin offers him somewhere to take sanctuary, Harry's only too pleased to take him up on it... but he might come to regret hiding out in Spinner's End.

Degrees of Visibility, by Anonymous. Rated PG.
Summary: Harry's nocturnal wanderings lead him to discover some unusual events at Hogwarts.

Deep Cover, by Anonymous. Rated R. Content: Lupin/Tonks, adultery, character death.
Summary: Prompt 1. Remus had been horrified that Severus had killed Dumbledore. Somehow they are able to speak to each other again, but he is shocked when Severus supports his decision to marry Tonks.

Hemlock, or the Beast Within, by Anonymous. Rated R. Content: bestiality.
Summary: A Snupin Santa gift for tinder_blast, who wanted a story where Snape was somehow trapped as a wolf, and Lupin takes care of him.

Jerusalem, by Anonymous. Rated NC17.
Summary: And was Jerusalem builded here, among these dark Satanic mills? (William Blake).

Like Minds, by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: AU, Lupin/Tonks, adultery, dub-con, torture.
Summary: Prompt: FIC non-magical AU. Remus and Severus are rival mafia bosses. Go wild and do anything you want with this! smut required.

Lines Across My Face, by Anonymous. Rated: NC17. Cotent: Severus/Regulus, voyeurism.
Summary: All of these lines across my face, tell you the story of who I am…

The Mastery of Passions, by Anonymous. Rated NC17.
Summary: Severus thinks he might rather have died under Voldemort's wand than be sentenced to recover surrounded by Dark magic and Gryffindors.

The Mills of Manchester, by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: AU, Remus/Sirius.
Summary: It is a cold and bitter January day when famous chef Severus Snape is sacked from the posh French restaurant he has been managing for almost fifteen years. He discovers there is a world outside—a world where three meals a day is a luxury and life is a struggle to stay alive. Soon Severus finds himself queuing up for a job at the cotton mills, and it is not an entirely pleasant experience. Several people try to interfere with Severus' life, and when Remus Lupin suddenly shows up, Severus' plans take a quite different turn...

Never More, by Anonymous. Rated PG.
Summary: Sometimes, it's harder to come home than it is to leave it.

Oblivio Persona Inimicus Careo, by Anonymous. Rated R.
Summary: After surviving the war, Severus Snape’s goal is to disappear. Unfortunately, there’s one person who’s finding it impossible to forget him. (Fest prompt included at end)

Old Times' Sake, by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: Lupin/Tonks, adultery, dub-con, wall!sex, rimming, prostitution (in a sense), questionable lubrication ;), a little breathplay, suicidal thoughts.
Summary: When Remus turns to Severus for his potion even after everything Severus has done, Remus isn't sure what he trusts, or wants, Severus to do more - help him or kill him. He just never expected Severus would ask for the payment he does.

Remus' Mission, by nimrod_9. Rated NC17.

The Result of Promises Given in Haste, by Anonymous. Rated PG.
Summary: Severus has been left to raise Draco after Lucius is committed to Azkaban and Narcissa has ended her own life. Some years later they are in need of another set of hands around the house.

A Season in Aberdaron, by Anonymous. Rated PG13.
Summary: Severus Snape and Remus Lupin (and others) meet up on the way to heaven. Written for Prompt #1, but heavily influenced by Prompt #3 (Objects of My Affection, by Peter, Bjorn and John).

Secret Santa Baby, by Anonymous. Rated R. Content: cross-dressing.
Summary: Hogwarts has a Secret Santa exchange and Remus coaxes Severus out of his 'bah humbug' blues by fulfilling his Christmas wish.

A Series of Weighty Silences, by Anonymous. Rated PG.
Summary: The snow bears witness to a conversation full of weighty silences.

Speaking Between the Lines, by theladyfeylene. Rated PG13.
Summary: Remus was too tired and on edge to try and figure out what Severus was thinking. But he couldn't help but feel there was something he should be picking up on....

Sour Note: A Fractured Snupin Fairytale, by Anonymous. Rated PG13. Content: AU.
Summary: Once upon a time there was a snarky bastard of a violin-maker and a werewolf librarian. Little did they know that they were true loves...

Things to Do With the Rest of Your Life When You Haven't Been Killed by the Dark Lord, by McKay. Rated NC17.
Summary: Shocked to find himself still alive, Severus embraces a new philosophy, one that sends him in pursuit of Remus Lupin.

Those I Can Save, by Anonymous. Rated PG.
Summary: "Snape finds that some of the poorer Slytherin parents have named him guardian of their children should anything happen to them. Now they're dead, and he's saddled with the kids. Meanwhile, Lupin recovers only to learn that some of the werewolves have left orphans with no one to look after them but him. [...] Considering the political climate, neither of them trusts the Ministry."

A Wayward Distraction, by Anonymous. Rated PG13.
Summary: Lily discovers that Severus and Remus share a secret; after her death, they begin to rebuild.

Whatever Remus Wants..., by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: Severus/Sirius, Remus/Severus/Sirius, voyeurism, dirty-talk, threesome, light bondage, dominant bottom.
Summary: Remus' dreams have been more and more vivid lately. And even a trip to the pantry has a price.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Advent: part 3, by senjism. Rated PG.

Brainy and the Beast: part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9 (complete), by alwaysasnapefan. Rated PG. Content: bestiality, non-con.
Summary: My take on Beauty and the Beast, snupin style.

Follow Me: chapter 83, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: MPreg, Non-con (rape), Incest, Threesome, Under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man.

The High Cost of Living: part 9, by Jules Noctambule. Rated NC17. Content: past Remus/Sirius and Lupin/Tonks, Snape/OCs, prostitution.
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.

Of Padraigs, Werewolves, and Incubi: chapter 20, by Ange Noir. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, mpreg, non-con, self harm, violence, incest, under 18.
Summary: War is approaching over Harry's sixteenth summer, and when he disappears from his relatives house, rumors spread. Severus is charged with keep an ear out on the Death Eater side, but why isn't he told to do something more? What is Remus Lupin to Severus? How does Draco fit into all of this? And just what does it mean when young people start inheriting powers based off of magical creatures and finding soul-mates?

The Snow Palace: part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, by lysa1. Rated NC17 overall. Content: Alpha!Remus, blood, violence, character death(minor).
Summary: Remus Lupin is dead - or so the wizarding world thinks. Trying to get on with his life, Remus hides out in central London. One day, Remus spots someone he believed to be dead, and is curious enough to investigate. However, not everybody thinks Remus actually died, and suddenly he finds himself both as the hunter and the hunted when he discovers a dangerous plot which seems to be targeted at no other than - Remus Lupin. But he gets help from the most unlikely duo...

Vicious Moon: here, by innerslytherin and thesnapelyone.
Summary: It is late in 1979. Unbeknownst to his friends, Remus is gay and frequenting gay clubs, many of them in Muggle London to avoid running into people he knows. James and Lily Potter are married. James and Sirius are in the Auror Programme as well as the Order of the Phoenix. The war is heating up, and the Death Eaters are easily picking off Order members one by one. The Order is disorganized and ill-prepared for Voldemort's strength, and is struggling to gain a foothold against the self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

We Fight For This: chapter 3, by Jolie71. Rated T. Content: AU, mpreg.
Summary: Begins Xmas before Harry's first year. Severus and Remus are married and have a family. This will be a retelling of JKRs books with a different set up at the beginning.

Images and Icons:
Cloudlessnights has a mini-Marauders era Sims 2 scene here.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #135: Wrath.

Lupin100 has issued Challenge #175: The Longest Night.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #208: Mistletoe.

Search Round-Up:
Snegurochka_lee is looking for a porn shop story.

Electriclady88 is looking for starter RL/SS stories here.

Juno-san is looking for a story here.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 6 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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