[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Snape vs Lupin - # 8 - "Hating You"

Title: Hating You
Author: red_day_dawning
Challenge: #150 – Snape vs. Lupin
Word count: 110
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JKR & associated companies own the HP characters and settings.
Notes: a follow-on from "Had Everything Changed?".


"Do you still hate me?"

Severus resisted the compulsion to kill the conversation, took a breath and replied, "Hate you?  I hate the way your hair gleams gold in the sunlight, I hate the glow in your eyes, I hate the way you smile and how I can't stop thinking about it.  I hate the way I think of you before I go to sleep, and the way I'll wake still thinking of you.  When I take my last breath, I'll be thinking of how much I hate you, Remus Lupin."

Remus stared, astonished.  "Severus," he whispered, and then began kissing him, kissing him as though Severus had confessed to love. 


Oh gods yes! Perfect!
Thank you! Great fun to write!