[info]blpaintchart in [info]snupin100

Challenge: Sloth

Title: Your letter
Author: blpaintchart
Word count: 100
Rating: 13

“Severus, we have to talk.”

“Not now, I shall be late for class.”

“Bugger your class.”

“I’d rather not, if you don’t mind.”

“I can’t believe you wrote this to me. I’m really hurt.”

“It needed saying.”

“You mean it then?”

“Every word.”

“I had no idea you thought I was lazy.”

“Lazy? No. Soppy, irritating, and bloody irresistible? Yes.”

“But your letter makes it quite clear; ‘I find myself unable to tolerate your sloth any longer, Lupin.’”

“Indeed. Those stupid beady eyes watch us shagging!”

“Oh, that sloth.”

“Yes. And you can get rid of the damn grindylow, too.”


It's a job to tell, though. They grow up so slowly. Mind you, they do everything slowly, which is why they deserve this icon.

Looks like an old joke to me...

Q: Why do [insert name of much-derided car type here] have heated rear windows?

A: So you can keep your hands warm when you're pushing them...

Re: Looks like an old joke to me...


Re: Looks like an old joke to me...

Is that a Princess? (trying to learn)

Re: Looks like an old joke to me...

Yes, darling.
But not just any old Princess! Oh no!
It's Cedar's Xmas gift of lovely!

Yes, there truly is a Santa Claus.

Sod it, have an Allegro, too. (It actually belongs to Lupin, but I resprayed it. He'll never find out.)

Re: Looks like an old joke to me...

Aww! I love it, just what I wanted! You choose the color...

Re: Looks like an old joke to me...

You're on darlin'!
Sandglow for the Princess (a nice, regal orangey/beigy/brown)
And our old favourite Limeflower for the Allegro, cos nothing says "classy" like a bogey/bilious colour.