25 August 2009 @ 08:24 am
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "I'll Come Running To Tie Your Shoe" by Lampblack  
Title: I'll Come Running To Tie Your Shoe
Artist: [info]lampblack
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Time Travel
Prompt(s): Glam Rock, Can You Hear Me?
Rating/Warnings: PG, Highlight if you wish to know: *Snake and HBPMovie!Ginny Reference*
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers Inspiration from Brian Eno's song "I'll Come Running" from Another Green World: (Any use of third party copyrighted material is justified as fair use under 17 USC 107 because it (a) transformative and (b) does not adversely affect the market value or potential market value of the original work or derivative works.)
Media used: Graphite pencil and marker
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes

I'll Come Running to Tie Your Shoe, by Lampblack )
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25 August 2009 @ 08:41 pm
Team Cauldron Entry (ART): "Poker Face" by Pennswoods  
Title: Poker Face
Artist: [info]pennswoods
Team: Cauldron
Genre(s): Fusion
Prompt(s): Man in uniform; Play the game
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG; Highlight if you wish to know: *Star Trek + Vulcan Ears!*
Artist's Notes: Dedicated to all the crazy HP/Trek fans
Media used: Colored pencil & ink
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Hells yeah!

At their latest session of naughty wizard poker, Severus took shameless advantage of Harry's sci-fi fetish. )
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