10 October 2007 @ 07:17 am
Title: Hiroshima lovers
Artist: [info]_odella_
Team: Romance
Email: jblank13 at
Genre(s): Alternate Universe/Reality, Wartime
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG
Artist's Notes/Thank yous: Thanks again to all the folks who make the Snarry games possible. The title 'Hiroshima lovers' is taken from Alan Moore's The Watchmen. In the book the image was a symbol of love and death.
Media Used: pen and ink, photoshop
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Sure!

For you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg. )
10 October 2007 @ 08:46 pm
TEAM ANGST ENTRY - Cnary Crem Dght!  
Title: Olympia
Artist: [info]cnary_crem_dght
Team: Team Angst
Genre(s): Post War / AU
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Hard R? implied prostitution.
Artist's Notes: The whole time I was drawing this picture, I was thinking about Manet's picture with the same title. :) I'd also love the thank Team Angst for their hard work and dedication. They're such an inspiring group of people. Also special props to [info]tripperfunster for participating in some horrific events fun with me.
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes to the Tribute Video only.

Olympia by cnary_crem_dght )
10 October 2007 @ 09:40 pm
TEAM ROMANCE ENTRY - Blackboggart  
Title: My Way Home
Artist: [info]blackboggart
Team: Romance
Genre(s): Au and Postwar
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: G
Artist's Notes/Thank yous/Fanfiction used: A short one page comic, which I had a lot of fun creating. I hope everyone enjoys it! :)Thank you to everyone over at TeamRomance who gave me advice.
Media used: Watercolour, Acrylic, Pen and lots of Photoshop.
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Okay for icons and video.

My Way Home, by Blackboggart. )