May 25th, 2019



Who: Lil Steve and OTA
When: Saturday morning
Where: By a tree, near the pond.
What: Finding some zen. Or something.
Rating: PG-13, to be safe.

Steve just needed a moment to keep his mind from racing.  )



Who: Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff (mcu for both)
What: Talking and having a feel.
Where: Natasha’s new apartment
When: May 23rd, very very early. Maybe it’s still night. Who knows.
Rating: Feelings.

Sometimes everything is wrong. )



Who: Superman (DCTV) & Steve Rogers (MCU)
What: Kal is making things for the library.
Where: Outskirts of town near the woods.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Rating: PG for arm candy and perfect male specimenness.

Clark was never one to be idle. )



WHO: James and Sirius
WHAT: Hanging out?
WHERE: Their place?
WHEN: Late May (Todayish?)

Read more... )



Who: Steve & Jan
What: AVAC Assembleee
When: Backdated to earlier this week
Where: Van Dyne's, maybe the doors?
Rating: Low

I'm gonna pop some tags, Only got twenty dollars in my pocket )



Who: Tony Stark and Gwen Stacy
What: Tinkering lessons.
Where: Tony’s workshop
When: Saturday, May 25
Rating: Low.

But you'll fight and you'll make it through You'll fake it if you have to And you'll show up for work with a smile. )