September 12th, 2019



I've been spending a lot of time prowling the book collection at the library, and picking up books wherever I can find them to help keep our shelves stocked. I've gone through quite a few of them there.

I've just finished the book I was reading, and I'm ready to start another. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I should read next?



Okay, so I've got the dedicated server up and running, and I've got the latest version of World of Warcraft that I could find on there. So if anyone wants to join me in playing, I can help set up devices and accounts. It's likely to be pretty buggy at first until I've got all the details worked out. The world is pretty full of NPCs and monsters and quests and things, so it should be pretty fun to play, even without a massive amount of other users.

Just lemme know if you want to play. We can make sure everyone's got equipment.