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Current Month
Sep. 4th, 2011 @ 01:34 am mod note to participants - connectivity issues
Current Mood: grumpy

Thanks to overzealous yard cutters, our phone line was either damaged or disconnected (meaning our dsl is down). We won't know until we can get a long ladder to assess it, but either way, our only means of going on-line is, as now, the use of a net cafe -- which is expensive and also full of people excited about their three day weekend -- or finding a site with free wifi, most of which, again, are full of people checking their email while out of town.

So for those waiting for their assignments, we ask for your patience. You </i>will</i> get your assignments either later today (the 4th) or sometime tomorrow (the 5th) if the traffic allows, but definitely no later than the 6th when we expect the out-of-towners to have gone home and cleared out of all the free wi-fi spots!
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Aug. 24th, 2011 @ 11:50 pm Sign-Ups Are Closed

That's it! Sign-ups for [info]snapelyholidays 2011 Exchange are officially closed, except for those wishing to pinch-hit.

Looks like a lot of wonderful prompts and hopeful pairings this year. :)

Assignments will be going out on or by September 4th.
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Aug. 12th, 2011 @ 09:33 pm moddy note about new Snapely rule

Some have enquired about the new rule so we wanted to clarify:

- each participant must provide at least five Snape/pairings in either
slash or het (or in the case of the gen/pre-slash/pre-het/non-graphic
category, preferred characters and scenarios)

- the five pairings cannot be split between, for example, slash and het

- once five characters (threesomes count) are provided in at least one
of the three categories, then, yes, a participant may ask for only one
or two in a differing category, but the five pairing rule is absolute

This exchange is to highlight Snape in a variety of situations with a
variety of characters. This rule helps us weed out OTP and near-OTP
entries and helps provide participants a wider variety of choices, which
in turn provides everyone a wider variety of fic and art to enjoy.

Since it's a holiday exchange and meant to be fun, we're opting for
less stress and more focus on Snape overall. Our poor, overworked
wooby deserves more shags, cuddles, long conversations and cups of
Amortentia-laced tea, no?
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Jul. 25th, 2011 @ 02:13 am watch this space
Current Mood: !

Sign up rules and info coming soon... :)

Also, check our profile for the revised schedule!
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Jan. 2nd, 2011 @ 01:29 am Week 5 roundup of the Snapely Holidays exchange & Mod Note

Here's the fifth week listing of the [info]snapelyholidays exchange:

The Shadow of Misery's Wings Severus Snape/Viktor Krum. Adult rating. (post-war bittersweet relationship fic)

In Search of the Right Ingredients Severus Snape/Charlie Weasley. Adult rating. (epistolary, rediscovery fic )

How Much You're Worth Sirius/Severus. Adult rating. (non-con slave-fic)

ART A Gift for you Snape solo. Adult rating. (cheesecake... or is that beefcake?)

A Very Good Year Severus/Lucius. Adult rating. (post-Marauders, pre-Harry ust romance)

The Fallow Bed Severus/Luna. Adult rating. (post-war, healing/non-traditional romance)

We know, we know, it's not a full week, but sadly, due to completely unavoidable weather-related (& internet connectivity) delays, we are going to have a one, possibly two day hiatus from posting. We're sorry, but it happens. We'll see you here in a day or two, but in the meantime, please feel free to catch up on last week's offerings and that all-important feedback. :)
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Dec. 5th, 2010 @ 07:11 pm Mod Note
Current Mood: busy

Just a note to our authors and artists - although we have the comment links directing back to InsaneJournal, the entries are all cross-posted to LiveJournal and Dreamwidth, as well, and you may want to check them for possible additional comments.
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Nov. 21st, 2010 @ 11:49 pm Mod Note for [info]countess_hp

[info]countess_hp please check your email; we need to hear back from you.


The Moddies
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Sep. 7th, 2010 @ 11:40 am 2nd notice - assignments were sent out

Those who have already acknowledged receipt of your assignments - thank you!

There are some who still need to let us know if they did (and especially if they did *not*) get their assignment.

Check the email you signed up under and if you do not see your assignment from us, please email the moddy account at: snapelyholidays@gmail.com

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Sep. 2nd, 2010 @ 10:01 am keeping you updated
Current Mood: sick & tired

Our 3rd draft list of possible matchups needs to be looked over by both moddies (one of whom is at her long, tiring job, the other of which is writing you now whilst dealing with both a case of shingles and a burgeoning migraine) and any match-up issues need to be mutually agreed on before assignments go out.

We appreciate your patience, and as you veterans of Snapely Holidays already know -- yes, you *will* get an equivalent extra couple days to submit your work for the extra couple days it has unexpectedly taken us to get your assignments to you, so no stress.

The best guesstimate I can give you (barring a miracle at [info]chazpure's workplace) is that the assignments go out late tonight. Worst case would be tomorrow, but no later than that - and I swear a wandoath on it.

*holds up wand and swears in particularly colourful language*
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Dec. 13th, 2009 @ 08:15 pm Mod Note

Just posting a note from a public hotspot - we've been without power at home since around noon today, due to the storms. We're hoping it will be back on soon, but if not, posting of tomorrow's entry may be delayed.

Thanks for your patience!
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