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Aug. 24th, 2011 @ 11:50 pm Sign-Ups Are Closed

That's it! Sign-ups for [info]snapelyholidays 2011 Exchange are officially closed, except for those wishing to pinch-hit.

Looks like a lot of wonderful prompts and hopeful pairings this year. :)

Assignments will be going out on or by September 4th.
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Aug. 14th, 2010 @ 02:02 am 2010 Snapely Holidays Sign-Up Post (tell your friends)
Current Mood: chipper

Sign ups for the 2010 snapelyholidays exchange are now open!

This is where you sign up to participate. Please read our info post for the rules and sign-up form.

If you are posting a sign-up for a friend, write "Posting for [friend's author name]" in the subject line of your comment. An email addy is required.

Make sure to provide an email and/or journal name w/link for the person you choose that can answer questions about your preferences. If you prefer, you can designate the moddies and we will act as relay between you and the person writing/drawing for you in order to protect the anonymity of the exchange.

Sign ups close on August 24th. Assignments will go out by August 31st. A list of participants' names will be posted once all intended recipients respond back to their assignment.

If you have any questions not covered above, feel free to ask. You can email us, if you prefer, at: snapelyholidays@gmail.com

Snapely Hols is also on twitter: http://twitter.com/SnapelyHols

So let's get underway! :-)
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Aug. 21st, 2009 @ 12:45 pm 2009 Snapely Holidays Sign-Up Post (tell your friends)
Current Mood: busy

Sign ups for the 2009 snapelyholidays exchange are now open!

This is where you sign up to participate. Please read our info post for the rules and sign-up form.

Your sign-up form must be as complete as possible. If something does not require an answer, for example, if you have no squicks, please indicate it or write "n/a," don't just leave it blank. We can't assume you have no squicks - you might have inadvertently skipped an answer.

If you are posting a sign-up for a friend, write "Posting for [friend's author name]" in the subject line of your comment. An email addy is required.

The two most important things about your form:
  1. Make sure you are providing the person who will receive your request at least three options. (I won't quibble over those who provide more than the requested amount. More, in this case, makes things easier all around!)

  2. Make sure to provide an email and/or journalname w/link for the person you choose that can answer questions about your preferences!

    NOTE: If you prefer, you can designate the moddy's and we will act as relay between you and the person writing/drawing for you in order to protect the anonymity of the exchange.

Sign ups close on August 28th. Assignments start going out August 31st. A list of participants' names will be posted once all intended recipients respond back to their assignment.

If you have any questions not covered above, feel free to ask. You can email us, if you prefer, at: snapelyholidays@gmail.com.

That said - let's get underway! :-)
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Aug. 21st, 2008 @ 07:57 pm Ready? Set... [snapelyholidays 2008 sign-up post]

Sign ups for the 2008 [info]snapelyholidays exchange are now open!

This is where you sign up to participate. Please read our info post for the rules and sign-up form. Your sign-up form must be as complete as possible. If something does not require an answer, for example, if you have no squicks, please indicate it or write "n/a," don't just leave it blank. We can't assume you have no squicks - you might have inadvertently skipped an answer.

If you are posting a sign-up for a friend, write "Posting for [friend's author name]" in the subject line of your comment. An email addy is required.

Sign ups close on August 29th. Assignments start going out September 1st. A list of participants' names will be posted once all intended recipients respond back to their assignment.

If you have any questions not covered above, feel free to ask. You can email us, if you prefer, at: snapelyholidays@odospadd.com.

That said - let's get underway! :-)

NOTE: 0104 hours - 30 Aug 2008

Sign-ups are officially *over*.

If you didn't make the cut-off - thanks for considering taking part and please consider signing up next summer!

If you did, thanks so much for taking part! You can expect assignments on or by September 1st. :)
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