
August 31st, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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August 31st, 2007

Friday Snapedom Recs

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Original poster: bluestocking79

I rec'd this artist on my LJ yesterday, and [info]sylvanawood helpfully reminded me that I ought to rec her here as well, Friday being rec day here on Snapedom.

Her name is cabepfir, and her work is on deviantART. Not only is she a great, Snape-centric artist, but she also has a fantastic sense of humor. Just check out the piece I recommended yesterday, Put The Blame On Mame! Not only is it well drawn, it's hilarious, and it expresses the views of most us regarding the Deathly Shallows.

Some more of her cartoons and funny art: Snape and JKR, How Was Voldy Really Defeated, and Post-DH Heaven Silliness.

She's also done some more serious post-DH art: DH: The Headmaster Returns, DH: Snape and Gryffindor Sword, DH: The Iced Lake and saddest of all, DH: Snape's Funeral.

Last but not least, she's done some remarkable Snape/Lily art, none of it gooey or cloying: DH: No More Friends, Ring of Fire and Seventh Year: 1978.

If you don't believe me, go see for yourself!

And while I'm rec'ing, I'll rec a very interesting Snape-centric, post-DH story by whitehound, if by chance none of you have seen it. It's called Giving Extras, and it proposes one of the most unusual resurrection methods yet, as Hermione, Ron, Luna and Neville join forces to bring Snape back, to enjoy the life he should have had. It's well worth a look.

Friday Fic Rec: Mirror, Mirror

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Original poster: geri_chan

For my first rec, I'll offer up the very first HP fic I ever wrote:

Mirror, Mirror

Rated PG-13, it's Snupin slash, but it's almost gen since Lupin doesn't appear except as an image in the mirror. (Or at least as close to gen as I'm likely to get.) Harry sees a different side to Snape when he witnesses the Potions Master accidentally stumbling upon the Mirror of Erised. I left the timeline deliberately vague, but it's supposed to take place sometime after Lupin has left Hogwarts.

Icon recs!

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Original poster: battle_of_lissa

Yay! Rec day!

This link was posted by [info]peppermintspoon  in [info]reznor_daily, a Trent Reznor/Nine Inch Nails Community.

Tons of Snape, Alan Rickman, and general HP icons!

The first good handful are all Trent Reznor, but scroll down to see the rest.


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