Dec. 16th, 2007


Challenge Submission

Now that it is December, I feel it's safe to say that the September/October challenge is over. Here are the submission to the challenge on both LJ and IJ:

Challenge Submissions )

Thanks to all who participated. If I have missed your submission, please leave a comment to let me know.

Now, with the challenge done I have other announcments. I have gone through and added appropriate tags to both the LJ and IJ tags. If you find that I missed an entry please let me know.

2008 - Turning the Page.

With it being December, 2008 is just around the corner. 2007 brought a lot of changes to fandom. Some of the changes were good, while others were bad. 2008 is a new year and here at Snape_Rarepairs we would love to hear what you would like to see from us in the new year.

We'd love any suggestion and reflections on how the community is run. Do you like the challenges? Are there pairings you'd love to see as challenges? Would you rather see a snape rarepairs fest? Maybe you would like a art for fic/fic for art exchange? Do you find yourself craving drabble nights or prompt based challenges from your fellow community members?

Nov. 4th, 2007


FIC: Contrasts (Narcissa/Severus, NC-17)

*squeezes in* I come bearing fic for the September/October challenge!

Title: Contrasts
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Narcissa/Severus, not-quite background Lily/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Highlight for Warnings: *adultery, fantasising during sex, pretense, bathroom!sex*
Canon-compliance: up to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Word Count: 2,276
Summary: Severus wasn't what Lily wanted while Lily was everything Severus wanted, and Narcissa wasn't what Severus wanted but she was all he seemed to be allowed to have.

Notes: For the September/October pairing challenge at [info]snape_rarepairs. This fic, for all that it's quite short, was a bitch to write, and it's only thanks to [info]zebraspots05 that it has turned out somewhat readable at all. As always, my eternal gratitude goes to her for beta'ing!

Sep. 16th, 2007



Title: An Exchange of Favors
Word Count: 1,144

Rating: NC-17
Challenge: Severus/Narcissa
Characters: Severus/Narcissa

Warning: anal sex, teenage sex

Authors Notes: thanks to scottiemc2 for the beta



Sep. 14th, 2007


September/October Challenges

Another multi-month challenge while we are all still dealing with journal transitions and signing up for holiday fests!

Our featured pairing for September and October is: Snape/Narcissa

So many time periods to work with. )

The featured theme for these months is: Delicate

Delicate: fine; fragile; sensitive. )

As always, the featured pairing and theme do not have to be used together - you can respond to either or both.

I'd love to see just a few more challenge responses than we've got for the past few challenges - remember, anything goes, from drabble to novella, from doodle to sketch to masterpiece. Let's see what you can come up with!