February 18th, 2008

[info]alwaysasnapefan in [info]snape_rarepairs

Shallow Cowards - Mundungus/Severus - NC-17

Title: Shallow Cowards
Author/Artist: alwaysasnapefan
Pairing: Mundungus/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, because it's a "Snape is still alive" fic.
Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter, and never will. I'm not making any money by writing this.
Notes: In two parts due to length. The link to the second part is at the bottom of the first part.
Summary: Snape isn't really dead. Mundungus finds this out. Eventually, Witch Weekly is making Snape's life hell. But, it does lead to one good thing: a relationship.

( Shallow Cowards )