February 4th, 2008

[info]alwaysasnapefan in [info]snape_rarepairs

"It's the Fact That He Exists, Really" - James/Snape - NC-17

Title: It's the Fact That He Exists, Really
Author/Artist: alwaysasnapefan
Pairing: James/Snape
Rating: NC-17 
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I'm not making any money by writing this.
Summary: James Potter likes Lily Evans . . . but he likes Snape a little more. JP/SS Slash, one-sided. James is by himself in the bathroom, and he thinks about his two crushes.

( It's the Fact That He Exists, Really )

[info]alwaysasnapefan in [info]snape_rarepairs

Lying Together - James/Snape - NC-17

Title: Lying Together
Author/Artist: alwaysasnapefan
Pairing: James/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I'm not making any money by writing this.
Summary: James and Snape put differences aside for once.

Lying Together )

[info]alwaysasnapefan in [info]snape_rarepairs

Snape's Favorite Student - Filch/Snape - NC-17

Title: Snape's Favorite Student
Author/Artist: alwaysasnapefan
Pairing: Filch/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I'm not making any money by writing this.
Summary: Filch and Snape do some roleplaying (as student/teacher).

( Snape's Favorite Student )