Snape 100


October 23rd, 2011

bethbethbeth @ 08:35 am: Challenge #406: "Halloween/All Saints Day/Samhain"
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth)

Challenge #406: "Halloween/All Saints Day/Samhain". This week's challenge lets you select your own end-of-October/start-of-November holiday and focus your drabble on something related to one of those observances. U.S.-style trick or treating in Severus's childhood for Halloween, Snape attending a traditional performance of Don Juan Tenorio* in Spain on All Saints Day, or a place set for the [possibly not so] dead potions master at a feast to celebrate Samhain: whatever you want to write about is perfectly fine as long as the focus is on one of those holidays...and Severus Snape.

*Because it amuses me given my current fannish interests, I recently learned that this play is the basis for Mozart's Don Giovanni and the Phantom of the Opera's Don Juan Triumphant. None of which has anything to do with Snape, per se, but... :)

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