Snape 100


October 9th, 2011

bethbethbeth @ 10:29 am: Challenge #404: "Crossover Snape, Redux"
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth)

Challenge #404: "Crossover Snape, Redux". This week's challenge - a return to challenge #202 from 2007 - is to write a drabble featuring Snape in a crossover with another fandom. There are two basic ways of doing this:

1. Snape in the world of another fandom (this might work particularly well for fandoms set somewhere other than our world, such as Discworld or Star Wars)

2. Bring one or more characters from another fandom into the HP world to encounter Snape.

Whichever you choose, try to keep Snape recognizably himself. In other words, this isn't an AU challenge (e.g., Snape wasn't born a girl; he didn't decide against ever joining the Death Eaters; he's not a Muggle, etc.)

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