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Fic Rec:...And Worth Every Sickle (Snape/Sirius, NC-17) by jedipirate [Mar. 20th, 2010|12:49 am]

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[mood |exhausted]
[music |El Dorado]

Fic Rec:...And Worth Every Sickle (Snape/Sirius, NC-17) by jedipirate

Pairing: Snape/Sirius with insinuated Snape/Lucius
Prompt: Bonds
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,820
Warnings: non-con, BDSM, toys, voyeurism, drugging, implied slave-trade
Summary: Just a homoerotic story involving slavery, drugging, rape, psychological abuse... that sort of thing. The characters in it are totally hot.
Following Voldemort's victory, Snape acquired a new toy. Tonight he has decided to break him in.

Why I recommend this: This is the classic Snape/Sirius dynamic of hate-desire-hate. Written in 2006, it is a Post-Voldemort Wins story and Severus' owning of Sirius is total. To tell more would be to spoil the story, so go read and comment!
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Fic Rec: Sexing the Pumpkin by [info]ratherbrightred [Feb. 3rd, 2008|10:24 am]


If you haven't read Sexing the Pumpkin series by [info]ratherbrightred you really should. It's absolutely wonderful. I finished reading part three last night and I'm still squeeing. I'm going to post the link again for anyone who might've missed it. This series is truly fabulous!

Sexing the Pumpkin
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Chiropractor said to take it easy for a few hours, so... [Jan. 28th, 2008|05:31 pm]

[mood |tired]

A fic recommendation, aimed at all those who love a well-written, thoroughly thought-out, and adventurous romance, of the Snape/Black kind.

I went over to The Restricted Section [must register to view stories], signed in, and went looking for SS/SB stories. I found the following:

In The Ruins by SylvanWitch

Darkfic, Drama/Angst, Romance, Violence
The series information is under the cut. )
I recommend this series because the imagery is fascinating and the interactions between Snape and Black are emotion high-wire action, see-sawing in mid-air to become something different each time they are together.

Yes, it was written in 2005 and complete(!), but it's a gem, rare and hidden away, now come to light once more. I truly do encourage the brave amongst you to check out the series. Please note, the NC-17 rating is there for a reason, there are some extremely gory portions and themes that will raise your hackles.
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