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As the Shadows Rescinded, Darkest Night Became Brightest Day [Apr. 18th, 2011|01:23 pm]

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This is a fic that I started for [info]severus_sighs Grand Challenge last year. I never finished and had to drop out when my mom had a stroke. Well, better late then never. *g* I finally finished it. It's not terribly long, but it is complete.

Title: As the Shadows Rescinded, Darkest Night Became Brightest Day
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Pairing: Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2800
Warnings: Dark fic, graphic sex
Theme: Overcoming Adversity
Prompt: The night falls on the shadows
Summary: Severus' grand plans never quite work out the way he wants them to.
A/N: Dark fic with some hopeful moments.

As the Shadows Rescinded, Darkest Night Became Brightest Day
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Fic Rec:...And Worth Every Sickle (Snape/Sirius, NC-17) by jedipirate [Mar. 20th, 2010|12:49 am]

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[mood |exhausted]
[music |El Dorado]

Fic Rec:...And Worth Every Sickle (Snape/Sirius, NC-17) by jedipirate

Pairing: Snape/Sirius with insinuated Snape/Lucius
Prompt: Bonds
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,820
Warnings: non-con, BDSM, toys, voyeurism, drugging, implied slave-trade
Summary: Just a homoerotic story involving slavery, drugging, rape, psychological abuse... that sort of thing. The characters in it are totally hot.
Following Voldemort's victory, Snape acquired a new toy. Tonight he has decided to break him in.

Why I recommend this: This is the classic Snape/Sirius dynamic of hate-desire-hate. Written in 2006, it is a Post-Voldemort Wins story and Severus' owning of Sirius is total. To tell more would be to spoil the story, so go read and comment!
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Fic: Welcome to Eternity Sirius/Severus; NC17 [Jan. 31st, 2009|02:49 pm]
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Title:Welcome to Eternity
Prompt:Sirius/Severus --what happens when the two meet in the afterlife?
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2300
Characters: Sirius Black/Severus Snape
Warnings: frottage, semen ingestion
Notes:Written for [info]aragolas as part of the Holiday Exchange on Immeritus.
Comments and Concrit: Are always welcome.

Even in death, you're a bastard…
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Pumpkins Are Not the Only Fruit--more--lots more--of Sexing the Pumpkin [Nov. 15th, 2008|09:13 am]
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Pumpkins Are Not the Only Fruit (SS/SB, porny, really really long)
dedicated to San Francisco, mi amor.
This is a sequel to Sexing the Pumpkin. You should read that first, or the sex might confuse you.
Summary: Sirius gets vomited out of the Veil, bums around a muggle motorbike shop for a while, then is clued in to the possibility that Snape is living in San Francisco, surfing, carefully constructing his Burning Man costume,* and fending off the remnants of the Death Eater movement.
Warnings: It’s long. It's AU (S & S live), but sorta epilogue compliant. Herein you will find good sex, bad sex, tranny!bits, masturbation, embarrassing prosthetic devices, strippers, drag queens, comatose children, Harry Potter, Harry Potter's (not comatose) children, alcohol, drugs, tandoori chicken, etc. There is mention of, but nothing terribly explicit, Snape/other people. Also, I wrote this in a happy time before Prop 8 passed.

( *Just kidding about Burning Man. Um. Maybe. You'll have to read and find out. )

Asymmetrical Reflections of One Half of the Whole [Nov. 10th, 2008|08:26 am]
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NC-17 A psychological look at young snack. Peter watches them together, and he knows that Sirius and Snape both want different things. They realize it too. Sirius/Snape.

Asymmetrical Reflections of One Half of the Whole
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Snack Slash, Strawberries, NC-17. [Oct. 19th, 2008|11:24 am]
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Title: Strawberries
Author: [info]nwhiker
Pairing: Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Rating: NC-17
Length: About 26 kwords.
Disclaimer: Jo's world. Not mine. Alas!
Canon:Deathly Hallows.
1. See Canon. We know what that means.
2. Vanilla. No hate-sex here.
3. Some will find my Dumbledore OOC. This is how I see him, but I know there is much disagreement there.

Thanks to Paula for the read through and final encouragement to post!

Link to my lj

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[Sep. 11th, 2008|05:37 am]

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Title: Astral Alibi
Pairing: Severus/Sirius
Challenge: Snapelike’s Giant Cauldron Collider Challenge
Word Count: 1,947
Warnings: Men having sex and oral sex
Rating: NC-17
A/N – Originally posted to my journal written for the challenge noted above. Thanks to [info]blpaintchartfor brit pick and beta!! Over the character count, I know you’re shocked!
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Fic: Requiem for a Bathrobe, NC17 [Sep. 2nd, 2008|11:28 am]

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I wrote Sirius/Severus (with a side of Remus/Sirius) for daily_deviant this month, so I thought I'd share. :-)

Title: Requiem for a Bathrobe
Author: [info]nehalenia
Characters: Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and lurid mention of Kingsley Shacklebolt
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Dub-con (mild); utterly improbable but nonetheless established Lupin/Snape/Black relationship; AU (obviously); Some fighting/wrestling. Also snark, banter, attempts at humor. Despite the est. rel. and my best intentions, there is NO Snupin or 3some sex in this fic. Just Snape/Black and a bit of Remus/Sirius. (Sorry!)
Themes/kinks chosen: Relics
Word Count: 7500
Summary: To Sirius, the threadbare garment smelled of breakfasts with Remus, late nights alone, post-fuck lie-abouts and something warm and soft in a cold, hard place. It smelled like his life. The good parts of it, at least.
Author's notes: Thanks, worship, gladsome tidings and a surfeit of eels to [info]ships_harry and [info]blpaintchart for beta and brit-picking. And I totally stole the Moody/Black mention from this by [info]ships_harry, so another tip of the hat to her. Things you should probably know before you start reading:Snape, Black and Lupin are all living in sin together (not at 12 Grimmauld Place) and and have been for awhile. No, I cannot explain this, and I'm not even going to try.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JKR and whoever owns her and are, regrettably, not mine. This is solely for entertainment purposes and no profit is being earned or sought.

Requiem for a Bathrobe (link to fic on daily_deviant)
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FIC: In Memoriam, NC 17 (Severus/Sirius/Remus/James and implied Regulus) [Jul. 6th, 2008|11:29 pm]

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This is a foursome, but the Severus/Sirius is pretty heavy in this one so I figured it would be all right to post this here. Check the warnings.

Title: In Memoriam
Author: [info]nehalenia
Characters: Severus Snape, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin
Time Period: First War (probably 1979)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: non-con, dub con, group sex, double penetration, violence, language, potion misuse,
Themes/kinks chosen: orgy
Word Count: 5000 (or thereabouts)
Summary: Sirius is looking for Regulus. He doesn’t know it at first, but he might have found the next best thing.
Author's notes: This was originally posted on [info]daily_deviant for the June Challenge. Chosen theme was "orgy".

In Memoriam )
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Madness in the Garden of Eden [Jun. 16th, 2008|03:57 pm]

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Title: Madness in the Garden of Eden
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
A follow up to my Phoenix Flies Fic: If This Be Madness
Pairing: Sirius/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 369
Warnings: Some BDSM, a seriously twisted relationship.
Disclaimer: I do not own them.

Madness in the Garden of Eden
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When the Snake's Away (SB/SS) NC17 [Jun. 15th, 2008|10:51 pm]

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[mood |accomplished]

When the Snake’s Away

Author: [info]bonfoi
Character: Sirius Black
Location: Ollivander’s Wand Shop
Object: Magical, singing dildo
Other Characters: Severus Snape
Rating: NC17
Summary: Sirius Black was bored. And, being who he was, resorts to a bit of mischief with an anniversary gift…with a sexy voice attached.
Challenge: For [info]hp_wankfest also known as Wankmistress RG's First Second Annual Wankfest of Doom is the InsaneJournal asylum for the Harry Potter Wankfest 2008—an anonymous, prompt-based fest in honor of National Masturbation Month, AKA the lusty month of May. Three prompts (person, location, object) and away I run.
Word Count: 3,023
Genre: Challenge Entry; Romance; AU (Alternate Universe); AR (Alternate Reality); PWP; Post-War; Humor
Highlight for Warnings: * Manual Stimulation (Yep, that’s wanking!); Object Insertion; Dirty Talk/Dirty Thoughts; Established Relationship *
Beta: passthebutter of LJ community, hp_betas
A/N: Spellotape used in addition to my three prompts, to make [info]r_grayjoy happy!

Ah, after all the wanking...I get to reveal Sirius to the world!
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Fic: Addiction, NC-17, Snack Slash [Jun. 4th, 2008|12:11 am]
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Author [info]nwhiker
Pairing: Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Rating: NC-17
Length: About 20 kwords.
Disclaimer: Jo's world. Not mine. Alas!
Canon:Deathly Hallows.
Warnings: See Canon. We know what that means.
Link goes to my lj. For the record, this fic hasn't been beta-read so all errors, ickiness, spelling and grammar errors are mine.
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Ride Em, Cowboy [Apr. 23rd, 2008|08:28 pm]

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Title: Ride Em, Cowboy
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Follows Giddy Up!
Genre: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sex education classes are in full swing.
Word Count: 1170
Warnings: AU, Rimming, Cock Sucking, DP, Crack Movie Puns
Disclaimer: I do not own them.

Ride Em, Cowboy
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I can now post my phoenix_flies fic over here [Apr. 21st, 2008|02:20 pm]

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Written for [info]phoenix_flies

Title: If This Be Madness

Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss

Pairing: Sirius Black/Severus Snape

Rating: NC-17

Prompt #7: Sirius makes a decision. (Suggested by [info]mindabbles)

Warnings: Dark fic, bottom Snape, non-con, breath play, bondage, torture, but not too graphic, kind of a happy ending. None of this is overly descriptive. It's more implied than visual.

Note: Quote 1 by Napoleon Bonaparte, Quote 2 by Samuel Johnson, Quote 3 by Edgar Allan Poe, Quote 4 by RD Lang.

Word Count: 2100

Disclaimer: I do not own them. All are owned by JKR. No harm intended.

Beta: A huge thanks to my wonderful beta [info]ivylady!

If This Be Madness
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More Goop [Apr. 1st, 2008|09:12 pm]
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More Goop
NC-17 Sirius's poor desires to clean prove a dangerous facet of his personality, and Snape saves him. Sirius/Snape. Sequel to Goop (not that that wasn't obvious).

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Fic: Liability, NC-17, Snack Slash [Mar. 28th, 2008|11:27 pm]
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I've not posted here before, but I read until real life got too busy... Anyhow, I've just put up a new Snack fic and figured I'd share it here...

Author [info]nwhiker
Pairing: Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Rating: NC-17
Beta: G, who did the most incredible job.
Length: About 11 kwords.
Disclaimer: Jo's world. Not mine. Alas!
Canon:Deathly Hallows.
Warnings: See Canon. We know what that means.
Credit: The quotation Sirius uses is from Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne.

Link goes to my lj.
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Fic for Klynie1: The Deal that Screwed Padfoot (but Helped Moony); NC-17 [Mar. 25th, 2008|08:43 pm]
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Beta found (thanks to [info]red_day_dawning for springing to my help!), so here's the fic! :)

Title: The Deal that Screwed Padfoot (but Helped Moony)
Author: [info]purpleygirl
Rating: NC-17/Adult
Pairing: Sirius/Snape
Length: 3300 words
Warnings: PWP; dub-con; hate sex; implied het-Sirius; delusions of humour.
Summary: Snape gives Sirius the chance to help out Remus. Sirius doesn’t realise just how far his part of the bargain will go. But then, neither does Snape...
For [info]klynie1: Just a silly little fic written in honour of your birthday! Happy Birthday, hon! Thank you so much from me for all your help and support, and a big thank you on behalf of everyone else you’ve inspired in the fandom. :) ::big hugs::
Thanks to [info]red_day_dawning and [info]talloakslady for the short-notice betas. My first proper attempt at anything resembling humorous fic (and PWP-ish, if you can call it that!), so please be kind! *g*

The Deal that Screwed Padfoot (but Helped Moony)
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fic: How Not to Shut Up Severus Snape (NC-17) [Mar. 18th, 2008|08:40 pm]
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Title: How Not to Shut Up Severus Snape
Author: [info]esmestrella
Pairing: Severus/Sirius; implied Severus/Regulus
Genre: PWP
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 6731
Summary: Almost a year after leaving school, Sirius sneaks back into 12 Grimmauld Place to get some things he left behind. He meets someone he did not expect, who says some things he did not expect, and then does some things he really did not expect.
Warnings/contains: Hallway sex, dirty talk, abuse of em-dashes, lack of Britpicking, a few cracky lines in an overall non-humour fic, timeline assumptions that may not be well-supported by canon, and a way to deal with post-sex mess that would not be approved by Better Homes and Gardens.

How Not to Shut Up Severus Snape
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Goop [Mar. 10th, 2008|08:26 am]
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The twins create a rather sticky situation for Snape and Sirius. Snack.
Notes: I may create a sequal sometime.
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A Dash of Mpreg [Mar. 5th, 2008|04:22 am]
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A Dash of Mpreg
Snape does some research and recreates a potion. May or may not be a continuation of "A Mattress in the Quidditch Stands".

Also, PG art.
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