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Fic: Requiem for a Bathrobe, NC17 [Sep. 2nd, 2008|11:28 am]

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I wrote Sirius/Severus (with a side of Remus/Sirius) for daily_deviant this month, so I thought I'd share. :-)

Title: Requiem for a Bathrobe
Author: [info]nehalenia
Characters: Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and lurid mention of Kingsley Shacklebolt
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Dub-con (mild); utterly improbable but nonetheless established Lupin/Snape/Black relationship; AU (obviously); Some fighting/wrestling. Also snark, banter, attempts at humor. Despite the est. rel. and my best intentions, there is NO Snupin or 3some sex in this fic. Just Snape/Black and a bit of Remus/Sirius. (Sorry!)
Themes/kinks chosen: Relics
Word Count: 7500
Summary: To Sirius, the threadbare garment smelled of breakfasts with Remus, late nights alone, post-fuck lie-abouts and something warm and soft in a cold, hard place. It smelled like his life. The good parts of it, at least.
Author's notes: Thanks, worship, gladsome tidings and a surfeit of eels to [info]ships_harry and [info]blpaintchart for beta and brit-picking. And I totally stole the Moody/Black mention from this by [info]ships_harry, so another tip of the hat to her. Things you should probably know before you start reading:Snape, Black and Lupin are all living in sin together (not at 12 Grimmauld Place) and and have been for awhile. No, I cannot explain this, and I'm not even going to try.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JKR and whoever owns her and are, regrettably, not mine. This is solely for entertainment purposes and no profit is being earned or sought.

Requiem for a Bathrobe (link to fic on daily_deviant)
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FIC: In Memoriam, NC 17 (Severus/Sirius/Remus/James and implied Regulus) [Jul. 6th, 2008|11:29 pm]

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This is a foursome, but the Severus/Sirius is pretty heavy in this one so I figured it would be all right to post this here. Check the warnings.

Title: In Memoriam
Author: [info]nehalenia
Characters: Severus Snape, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin
Time Period: First War (probably 1979)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: non-con, dub con, group sex, double penetration, violence, language, potion misuse,
Themes/kinks chosen: orgy
Word Count: 5000 (or thereabouts)
Summary: Sirius is looking for Regulus. He doesn’t know it at first, but he might have found the next best thing.
Author's notes: This was originally posted on [info]daily_deviant for the June Challenge. Chosen theme was "orgy".

In Memoriam )
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FIC: "Collared" -- Severus/Sirius smut [Jan. 31st, 2008|02:40 am]

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Since i haven't had time work up an entry for the Friending Frenzy (or read all the fics I'm behind on, or write any new Snack, or pay attention to much of anything other than schoolwork) I'm re-posting a short piece of Snack (and my latest, I think) here to celebrate the new Snack asylum. I'm delighted it's here, and that it's so very active.

Title: Collared
Author: Nehalenia
Pairing: Severus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17 (for implication, if nothing else)
Warning: dub-con; breath-play (if you squint); a bit hate-sexy; nothing but dialogue.
Prompt: Disclaimer: Not mine. Just playing with JKR’s toys.
Author’s Notes: ships_harry requested: “Sirius, Severus, collars. Maybe a posture collar, even. And. Um. I wonder, d'you think you could drabble something dub-or-non-con-ish where Severus is the aggressor but still the bottom?” I think this meets most of the requirements. I’m not sure Severus is exactly the “aggressor” but at least he’s the instigator. Oh, and it isn’t a drabble. Well, for me it probably is.

Collared )
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