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FIC: Morning After (PG-13) [Jun. 6th, 2008|01:12 pm]
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Title: Morning After
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Severus/Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Highlight for Warnings: *Sirius-didn't-die-AU*
Canon-compliance: ...up to Goblet of Fire
Word Count: 1,705
Summary: Five scenarios of a Morning After. The one thing they have in common: Sirius wakes up to Severus' elbow between two ribs, which is less than ideal.
Notes: Random plotbunny demanding to be written in between university applications. Meant as something fun to alleviate the stress and tension - I hope it's something enjoyable nonetheless ;) Many thanks to [info]zebraspots05 for the beta; any remaining mistakes are my own.
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FIC: Unconquered (NC-17) [Feb. 27th, 2008|02:19 am]
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Title: Unconquered
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Severus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Highlight for Warnings: *hate!sex/fight!sex, floor!sex*
Word Count: 3,280
Summary: Padfoot waits for prey. The resulting fight gets out of hand.
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Fic: Time to Steal Away (Remus/Severus/Sirius, R) [Feb. 12th, 2008|11:28 am]
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Title: Time to Steal Away
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Remus/Severus/Sirius, Severus/Sirius
Rating: hard R
Highlight for Warnings: *threesome, some roughness*
Word Count: 2,018
Summary: Sirius is moody, but he's not someone to keep quiet for long. His feelings change so quickly that one moment he might be sulking in a corner and the next he's laughing his ass off because of a stupid joke someone's been cracking. So when he's been quiet for three whole days, not even in on attacking Snape with James and Peter, Remus starts to worry.
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