Snack Attack - March 20th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 20th, 2010

Fic Rec:...And Worth Every Sickle (Snape/Sirius, NC-17) by jedipirate [Mar. 20th, 2010|12:49 am]


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[mood |exhausted]
[music |El Dorado]

Fic Rec:...And Worth Every Sickle (Snape/Sirius, NC-17) by jedipirate

Pairing: Snape/Sirius with insinuated Snape/Lucius
Prompt: Bonds
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6,820
Warnings: non-con, BDSM, toys, voyeurism, drugging, implied slave-trade
Summary: Just a homoerotic story involving slavery, drugging, rape, psychological abuse... that sort of thing. The characters in it are totally hot.
Following Voldemort's victory, Snape acquired a new toy. Tonight he has decided to break him in.

Why I recommend this: This is the classic Snape/Sirius dynamic of hate-desire-hate. Written in 2006, it is a Post-Voldemort Wins story and Severus' owning of Sirius is total. To tell more would be to spoil the story, so go read and comment!
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