Snack Attack - January 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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January 9th, 2008

More information about the new asylum. [Jan. 9th, 2008|08:13 am]


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In my excitement yesterday, I forgot to mention some things about the new asylum [info]snack_attack. I will remedy that now. Art, icons and meta are very, very welcome. I'd love to have some icons for the comm and I know there are some very talented artists out there. Fic searches are also allowed. You may post any length fic of any rating. The main thing is to have fun!

Thank you all,
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Fantastic Beasts and How to Lose Them [Jan. 9th, 2008|12:30 pm]
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Title: Fantastic Beasts and How to Lose Them
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sirius and Snape are together during school, but there's a fierce break-up. Will they get back together?
Warnings: Some blood (Snape's a vampire), dub-con.


Vampire Kisses NC-17

Werewolf Threats PG-13

Boggart Reunions NC-17
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Not the Same As Last Time & Rainbows on Roses [Jan. 9th, 2008|12:59 pm]
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Not the Same As Last Time PG-13 Wherein Sirius had gotten the best of Snape.

Rainbows on Roses PG-13 Wherein Snape got the best of Sirius. Been told it's a bit out of its time period, but ah well!
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Force - a drabble [Jan. 9th, 2008|06:29 pm]


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[mood |curious]

Title: Force
Author: Ria
Rating: NC-17, just to be on the safe side.
Warnings: non-con sex acts, angst
Disclaimer: I disclaim.
Summary: Sirius is accosted in the corridor. 
Author's Notes: This is my first-ever Severus/Sirius fic, let me know what you guys think *chews nails nervously*.
Words: 243

Force... )
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Fic: NC-17 "The Trick to Seducing Severus" [Jan. 9th, 2008|09:14 pm]


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Title: The Trick to Seducing Severus
Author: red_day_dawning
Pairing: Severus/Sirius/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Warning/s: threesome, anal, oral, dominance/submission, bottom!Snape
Disclaimer: JKR owns it all – I make no money & mean no harm
Author's notes: I tried to write a Severus/Sirius fic, but Remus waltzed in and would not go away, and insisted it was all about Severus & him, and Sirius agreed with him!

I do hope this OK to post here, as it's not a SS/SB, but a threesome, with RL jumping in also. Please remove, or contact me if you think it doesn't belong!

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Black Ribbons [Jan. 9th, 2008|11:31 pm]
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R A Black in his bed, wearing black ribbons, all wrapped in the blanket for his birthday. He had a feeling he's seen this before.

Two images and a ficlet in between.

Black Ribbons

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