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Snack Attack

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A new asylum for the Black brothers [info]black100 [Jul. 27th, 2009|11:06 am]

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Hello! I'm pimping a new asylum, created by my friend Tonya otherwise known as [info]toxicwasteland1. She has created a Sirius or Regulus drabble 100 prompt asylum. She pm'd me to have a look at it. I thought it was a good idea. I joined, don't know how active I'll be with my vision problems and my writing for Severus' Big Bang and all, but I will try to contribute as much as I can. She said the prompts will be posted every two weeks and that all Black drabbles are welcome, and that you don't have to write for the prompt. Check it out. She also told me that any older Black drabbles were welcome at black100.

Here's the link.

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Mod Post [Jan. 30th, 2008|09:26 am]


Hello, everyone! I'm so glad Snack Attack is taking off so well. We've had some wonderful fics posted from some very talented authors. Some of the authors have written snack for the very first time. It's so exciting. You may also post any existing snack fics you've written.

Also, I wanted to address off topic posts. I like my asylums to be relaxed and fun, so I don't really have a problem with things like fic searches and whatnot. Story recs are perfectly ok as long as they are snack. Technical questions are fine too. If you have a problem I'm here to help. I probably won't be able to answer the question, but hopefully someone in the group can. Beta requests are fine as well. I'd be lost without my beta because I really can't beta. I'm terrible with punctuation and grammar. Anyway, like I said, I'm just here to have fun and read great snack.

I was thinking that maybe we could have a mini friending frenzy to get to know each other. Let me know if you think this is a good idea. It doesn't have to be formal, Just your user name and your likes and dislikes.

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More information about the new asylum. [Jan. 9th, 2008|08:13 am]

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In my excitement yesterday, I forgot to mention some things about the new asylum [info]snack_attack. I will remedy that now. Art, icons and meta are very, very welcome. I'd love to have some icons for the comm and I know there are some very talented artists out there. Fic searches are also allowed. You may post any length fic of any rating. The main thing is to have fun!

Thank you all,
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