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[09 Jul 2022|12:26am]
customs/scenes for this guy? especially interested in a line with a certain sexy blond canadian.
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[09 Jul 2022|07:33pm]
Something fun and plot-centric for this old monster (a doubly cursed werewolf who pissed off the wrong witch a few hundred years ago). These days he does his best to keep to himself in the mountains of Appalachia, playing peacekeeper between the world of the mundane and the supernatural. The man needs some actual companionship.

I have vague ideas, two in particular are in the vein of reunions lines:

1. John passed through this town a while ago and finally made his way back, hoping enough about the people here and himself had changed that no one would question his story about being the son of that "weird loner from a few decades back." During his previous stay, despite his best attempt at being a hermit, he had a fling with a twenty-something from town that was short lived but ran deep. Part of his leaving was to spare the kid heartache and horror. He figured the kid would follow through on his own plans of leaving but 30 years later he's at John's door, curious to meet his old lover's son. Love the idea of throwing in some flashback scenes for this one.

2. John's isn't the only supernatural sob story of unwanted immortality. These two crossed paths long before John set foot in the States a handful of lifetimes ago. And then again when the dust settled after WWI. He'll deny it until the sun swallows him whole, but John has been hoping they'd again soon. He has no idea what it is that throws them in each other's way (God's a bust and fate seems cheap) but he's got to have enough luck in the bank for it to happen again, right? I'm not at all picky about who this other creature is or how they feel about a disheveled old werewolf.

I'm open to other ideas, so feel free to share if you've got something else in mind!
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[09 Jul 2022|08:14pm]
seeking single night engagements for the gentlemen listed here. comments screened.
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