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[21 May 2022|01:31am]
filthy customs for nick?
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[21 May 2022|07:35am]
check the journal please
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[21 May 2022|11:05am]
I'm looking for a few more lighthearted PSLs, SoL and otherwise. I typically write characters from their mid-thirties through late forties and enjoy writing against those in a similar age-range for lines involving romance.

Some ideas:

* Supernatural creatures tryfailing to live a normal life.
* Two undercover agents on the lam/on an assignment find themselves hiding out in a quirky but loveable town.
* Next door neighbors whom everyone realizes are in love but them.
* Friends with benefits agree to be each other's plus one to a mutual friend's wedding.
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[21 May 2022|12:55pm]
psl for this fella right here, open to faces
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[21 May 2022|01:03pm]
looking for someone to play an actor, musician, model, other queen against adore, violet, carmen carrera, aquaria, raven
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[ viewing | May 21st, 2022 ]
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