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[20 May 2022|06:01am]
still hoping to find something for davey havok, i'm open to any face
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[20 May 2022|08:35am]
looking for something long term and slash for benji madden, would like something not so cliche maybe against an actor or younger musician
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[20 May 2022|02:29pm]
any chance i could get pete wentz for my patrick? otp right there for me!
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[20 May 2022|07:50pm]
He took a highly sought after position as a personal assistant, he just has to survive the year and it will open doors he'd never be able to reach on his own. What he hadn't been fully prepared for was the expectation that he'd be serving every need of his employer, finding himself on his knees during business meetings or bent over a desk in full view of the rest of the office. But it's just business as usual for this company, and he just has to get through the year.

Journals only, looking to play the employer, would love some kink included, let's talk.
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[ viewing | May 20th, 2022 ]
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