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[28 Dec 2019|01:01am]
A very simple request this time: I would like a(n extreme) opposites attract line. "Good" vs "evil", they're on different sides and it's an eternal struggle, but they know they're the only ones right for each other. No slice of life. Only fantasy/ sci-fi/ horror, be it modern or historical. Slash only. Threading or GDocs. Let's discuss.
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[28 Dec 2019|08:34pm]
Looking for another active line with some smut involved, but not only smut. Kinks are encouraged, so please don't be shy. I do have a few prompt ideas under the cut that we could work off of, but I'm always open to plotting or altering anything! I do like the tension and growth of characters. Build up is always fun, for me. So, if any of these are remotely interesting or something you would like to work off of.

I can/do tag multiple times a day, and even weekends. I am EST timezone but can work with other timezones. Not a deal-breaker for me.

Prompt Ideas )
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[ viewing | December 28th, 2019 ]
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