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[27 Dec 2019|06:14am]
Missing this guy, so maybe with the new fruity album I could get a couple something somethings for him.

1D boys, bring me all your dumb conspiracy theories. Zayn is the Sunflower? Louis is the fish in Adore You? Liam gives that Watermelon Sugar high? Niall is his Cherry baby? Ngl, twisting histories and making every single song about one person gives me life ever since my FOB Pete Wentz rp days. Maybe they've been dating the whole time! Gasp! I'm good with some plain 'ol domestic bliss and sneaking away to hotel rooms. Also good with going AU with it and pretending they're all still together or younger and living their days together. 5tp for a gpsl? Let me love all of you.

Give me anyone else from anything else. Older/younger. Ed Sheeran gets his own category, remember that guy? Actors he's met, people he'll meet in random places on tour/promoing. Willing to do PB as well as loose celeb cause I don't follow too closely to where anyone is at any given time. Not looking for anyone to cheat on a wife or gf or anything either.

Light hearted/not kinky heavy please.

Give him a baby? He loves those. Just no babygate and beards and hiding drama.

Now I need to find some more recent icons.
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[27 Dec 2019|08:35am]
still looking for an adore.
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[ viewing | December 27th, 2019 ]
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