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[08 Dec 2019|12:10am]
Looking for a slash line with this Irish classical violinist who is HIV-positive. Some fluff, some angst, and dealing with chronic illness all on the table. Would love a Christmas romance.
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[08 Dec 2019|04:05am]
Lines for movie verse Percy Jackson?

Alternatively, a young Kelpie/Water fae type? Perhaps the first mortal he tempts into his water (a prince/knight/sorcerer/villager), or even someone he magically transports into his own magical realm from another while in the form of a horse?

Not looking for kink heavy/bestiality with this. Just something fun/light hearted.
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[08 Dec 2019|06:28am]
does anyone play ezra miller or ryan gosling?
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[08 Dec 2019|03:45pm]
Check out the post on my journal.

Anybody up for a heavy toy play line? Getting tied down and worked over?
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[08 Dec 2019|04:02pm]
something long term and fun for sharon needles.
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[ viewing | December 8th, 2019 ]
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