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[07 Dec 2019|06:37am]
looking for a slash line for mikey somewhere, would love a frank iero or someone in the music world
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[07 Dec 2019|12:35pm]
Two lonely guys meet in a chatroom late one night. Character A suffers from insomnia and often turns to the internet when he can't sleep. He's a bit of an introvert as well. Character B has a 'secret'. It can be simple or more complicated. Happy to brainstorm something if you'd like.

One or the other keeps putting off meeting until the 'secret' is revealed. I'd like them to become friends, have some feelings develop and we can go from there. I just want someone who is active and likes to write.
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Longest shot ever [07 Dec 2019|03:13pm]
does anyone know who Hollywood Undead are and slash any of the guys?
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[07 Dec 2019|03:36pm]
Anyone interested in joining an incest game, comment here or on the journal to be added to the discussion post.
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[07 Dec 2019|05:26pm]
would anyone consider playing MGK against eminem or another rapper maybe?
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[ viewing | December 7th, 2019 ]
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