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trying one more time, check the journal [15 Nov 2019|06:21am]
looking to fill either line in my journal
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[15 Nov 2019|04:03pm]
[info]kngdmcome A/B/O-esque line for this beaten down werewolf? who maybe also has a history of being forced to fight for sport? he's now part of a group that escaped a shifter zoo (they ate their captors).
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[15 Nov 2019|07:04pm]
Looking for an uncle to fuck his nephews boyfriend.
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[15 Nov 2019|07:35pm]
I’ve got a strange craving for a borderline silly ‘sword and sandals’ fantasy quest with smut line. You know, like Conan the Barbarian or over the top Mills and Boon sort of shit? Dramatic and action-packed, but also very tongue in cheek and purposefully playing into the silly tropes of the genre.

Open to slash as well as het. Seeking the male warrior for some cringe-worthy (but giggle-inducing) fun.
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[15 Nov 2019|10:41pm]
Would anyone be interested in a romantic slash line? Private lines only please.
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[ viewing | November 15th, 2019 ]
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