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[14 Nov 2019|07:37pm]
Any Steve Rogers our there looking for a Bucky? I’ve got all sorts of ideas, just want to try this guy out again!

Bonus points for anyone interested in exploring Steve returning a couple of years after he was meant to and Bucky’s kind of...moved on?
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[14 Nov 2019|08:36pm]
Searching for someone who would like to plan and plot out two characters who get together in a post apocalyptic setting as they do their best to survive in the "new" world. You must want to plot/brainstorm details.

The line can start right after the 'event' where no one knows what happened or a bit after it where it may be known. The two can be friends or strangers who come together. I do want a relationship between them at some point, but no rushing to it.
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[ viewing | November 14th, 2019 ]
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