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The Once and Future King [06 Nov 2019|12:30am]
I'm looking for someone to write Merlin to my Arthur or Arthur to my Merlin. This is loosely based on the ending of the show but if you haven't seen it/want to use different faces, whatever, that's fine.

Merlin, obviously a warlock, is set to live forever and eternally be by Arthur's side. This could be lifetime after lifetime or maybe he's been waiting a long time for the King to return.

I'd love a modern spin, Arthur is reincarnated, either as a Prince again (think modern royal family) or is simply set to become a politician or...something. Some kind of power position. Either way, he's primed in life somehow. Or Hell, he's just a fratboy in college and doesn't know he could do great things. The other characters could also be reincarnated if you want some outside drama and so on, or it can only be Arthur, because that's his destiny, to be born again when times need him the most or whatever.

Maybe Merlin feels his birth or he just stumbles across an article and has that lightbulb moment, it's Arthur!

Willing to world build and play former life scenes and whatever to keep it all rolling, I just don't want the story to end at the myth.

Also just cool with keeping it medieval if the modern spin doesn't sound fun. I like young Arthur and young Merlin meeting and working through the whole we're destined to be together sort of deal.
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[06 Nov 2019|11:40am]
I have a fantasy psl in mind, involving stockholm syndrome and dragons and a prince! let me know if you are interested.
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[06 Nov 2019|11:40am]
I have a fantasy psl in mind, involving stockholm syndrome and dragons and a prince or a princess! let me know if you are interested, can be slash, or het
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[06 Nov 2019|07:37pm]
Any Teen Wolf peeps out there wanna do something with Stiles? I also play original characters if anyone is interested.
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