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slash storyline community

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[05 Nov 2019|05:48am]
looking for a long term slash line, maybe to eventually take to a community?
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[05 Nov 2019|07:27am]
Seeking tall-ish guy, big dumb glasses, talks a lot of shit. Trashmouth?
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still looking for someone/something for my chris cerulli [05 Nov 2019|07:36am]
he's in the band motionless in white, i'm open to both het/slash here's more of what he looks like if you don't know who he is
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[05 Nov 2019|11:45am]
One yellow-eyed witcher looking for monsters to sympathize with.
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[05 Nov 2019|02:30pm]
Hey, anyone up for a prison PSL or some crime-driven plot between this guy (based on Mr. Robot, Rami Malek PB) and a character of your choosing? OCs or existing characters are fine. If so, contact me at my journal or on this post so we can brainstorm and get to making some magic.

I have very few limits, but I do require that the writer is 18+ due to subject matter. I also generally only write M/M lines but we can discuss specifics if you have an enticing idea. All comments are screened.
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[05 Nov 2019|11:02pm]
[info]kngdmcome A supernatural game looking for holds!
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[ viewing | November 5th, 2019 ]
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