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[01 Nov 2019|12:39am]
any chance someone will play frank against mikey or gerard against bert?
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[01 Nov 2019|06:39am]
Any friends of his dad, older brother or even boyfriend want to mess around? Or how about the married guy next door that has been listening to Derek’s hook-up for a while now and wants a piece for himself.
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[01 Nov 2019|10:49am]
[info]undulation long shot but the rest of BTS.
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[01 Nov 2019|06:40pm]
Anybody a SKAM fan? Seeking to write out a line inspired by Isak and Even's relationship or their iterations. I'd play Even, but if you'd prefer to play him I'm all up for playing Isak. I'd like to play out everything so it's a bit of a dramatic line. I like threading and I don't mind adding some texting in there to enrich the line, but the majority of interaction would be through threading. Happy to secondary play a version of Jonas, Noora etc to keep it interesting.
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[ viewing | November 1st, 2019 ]
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